Memories over Calories

24 Mar

Hope you’re having a great week!!

I have had a pretty good past few days. I am SO READY for spring break & can’t wait to spend it with my family 🙂 I miss them! I hate not posting often because I feel like I have so much to say to you all and I don’t want my posts to be tooooo long. Oh well! I guess i’ll just split the information up in different posts! I’ll be in Arizona & then LA for break next week but i’ll try to post while i’m there.

The eats have been mostly pretty typical, but delicious nonetheless.

I tried a bar that I had won in Jocelyn’s giveaway a few weeks ago & OMG it was sooooo delicious!! Thanks Jocelyn & the people at Perfect Foods 🙂

me & the boy went out to eat Tuesday night at Mia Za’s and I got a salad. I know I should branch out but I truly enjoy a big salad when my appetite is huuuge. I “made my own salad” with pineapple, chicken, mozzarella, raisins, lots a veggies, & sun-dried tomato dressing.

It was just what I needed!

I had a delicious breakfast a la KIX CEREAL the other day- they had it in the cafeteria and I could not resist 🙂

fage 2%, banana, cinnamon raisin swirl, cinnamon, perfection!

The other day I was ready to get a new lunch, but then I saw the salad was too good to resist.. haha oh well!

They had this chow chow salad (idk some asian inspired thing) that was soo good, hard-boiled egg, grilled chicken, tofu, and veggies 🙂

& I had pretzel sticks with mustard & ketchup

another lunch this week..

& my new fav salad combination (cottage cheese & salsa & raisins in it!)

& another amaaazing breakfast with 1/2 cup oatbran, fage 2%, honey sunshine & pb

I had this delectable breakfast Wednesday morning, chobani 0%, pb puffins, cascadian crunch, pom seeds, banana, & cinnamon raisin pb

& I tried this bar that I won a while back in karin’s giveaway and i LOVED it. It really filled me up and I was loving the 13 grams of protein!

in other news…

I had my weekly weigh-in appointment yesterday & I am proud to say that I am now in my “goal range.” Ok, I’ll admit, not every feeling was positive but overall I am REALLY proud of myself for kicking this in the butt before it got too serious.

I was going to talk about my mixed feelings about getting here, but honestly, I think they are obvious– it is a strange thing to be at this weight after all the hype, but I know that I need to make it my goal & my focus to love my body and appreciate my health (something that many would wish for). a 20 BMI seemed terrifying but I know this is a weight I can easily maintain. It is still slimmer than before I dieted and I should really be happy with it. This won’t be a piece of cake, but I know I will be able to get through the challenges that lie ahead.

A challenge lies ahead next week. I am going on vacation with my family and like I said, we are traveling to Arizona and then Los Angeles. There is no reason to feel anxious, but at the same time I can’t help but be a tad bit worried about the food situation and indulging.

I realize that I will be eating out (which I really am comfortable with) and i won’t have much control over my food, but I don’t want to “go crazy” if you know what I mean (i.e. overindulge). I don’t want to feel “guilty” on this trip for enjoying myself and I certainly don’t want to let disordered thoughts interfere with my time with my family.

I know my parents and sister will be understanding and helpful. I truly like eating healthy foods & that will definitely be possible (with indulgences, of course). Life is about memories, not calories. & I refuse to let the latter take those away from me. I am so ready for this and I know it will be a great trip. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t an ounce of anxiety, but at the same time I know my family is so understanding and I know I will be able to enjoy myself! I’m really looking forward to it.

(sidenote: I am laughing SO HARD right now at the commercial for orbit gum

“WHAT THE FRENCH, toast?!” hahaha- sorry, i’m a bit add.. and cheeeesy alwayys

watch it)

So my questions for you are…

1) How do you deal with vacationing/getting out of your “comfort zone?” Do you feel guilty for indulging on vacations?

2) Do you exercise while you are gone? (This question was inspired by miss Jenny’s post :] )

3) Favorite gum? uhh orbit sweet mint, durrr. Favorite childhood cereal (bc of the kix above!!)? I loved trix!!!

I am writing a post soon about diet soda – be excited haha.



Song of the Moment (I forgot about this lately..oops): I’d Rather Be With You by Josh Radin :)- Just makes me smile!!

90 Responses to “Memories over Calories”

  1. Sara K March 25, 2010 at 12:02 am #

    Congratulations on getting to your weight range! I know it’s kind of a weird emotionally charged achievement, but you have worked so hard in your recovery!
    As for vacation eating- it’s vacation- I don’t stress about my eats when I’m away, because after all you’re on holiday to have a good time with your family and hey- eat whatever wonderful goodies are available out there 😉
    My favourite gum…damn that’s hard- but I LOVE the green apple trident layers, 5 Zing (it’s amazing!), and orbit watermelon mist 🙂

  2. Jae March 25, 2010 at 12:08 am #

    I love all of your posts and they’re so insightful!
    Thank you for sharing snippets of your life with us as it is truly encouraging for me 🙂
    I hope you dont stress during your break and live life to its fullest. Life’s too short to not have fun ^^

  3. Marina March 25, 2010 at 12:24 am #

    Congratulations! You are doing really great, and I admire how brave you are.
    Just enjoy on your vacation, let go. Recently I went to Paris, and I completely let myself go. I enjoyed all the wonders of french food, and that made the vacation 5x better.
    I hope you’ll enjoy your spring break!

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) March 25, 2010 at 1:40 am #

    “Life is about memories, not calories.”—AMEN girl. Live your life, be with your fam, enjoy it and have an awesome time in AZ and CA. You will, of course.

    I always do some physical activity every single day, id be a miserable beeotch if i couldnt move around, do something, it’s my stress relief and i crave it. If i didnt want to do it, i wouldnt. i listen to my bod.

  5. jqlee March 25, 2010 at 1:42 am #

    congrats on getting in your goal range. i feel like i’m in the same situation as you right now too. i’m at a healthy weight now but i dont feel all together too comfortable in my skin yet. i dont know how to deal with the extra weight just yet even though my sister tells me that i am still “skinny.”

    as far as vacation goes, i went to mexico with my bf for a week and just chose the healthiest options for my meals. i didn’t eat any of the desserts simply because they didn’t taste good at all enough for me to “waste” eating them for nothing. i did eat a LOT of guacamole though, i mean literally a cup at every meal. i felt bad about it a little bit after but i tried not to let it bother me. at the end of my vacation after eating TONS of food and drinking a bit, i didn’t gain a single pound. so i’d say enjoy yourself and just eat cleaner for a few days when you get back. this one week isn’t going to make or break you. enjoy yourself and the time with your family shelley.

  6. balancingfoodandlife March 25, 2010 at 2:15 am #

    Okay okay, pretzel sticks with condiments, lol?!!
    Sounds SO odd to me, haha!



  7. julia March 25, 2010 at 3:05 am #

    First: congrats girl, I’m sooooo proud of you!

    About the holiday: relax and breathe. It will all work out. There’s nothing to be nervous about for the ‘real Shelley’ (remember some years ago? Would you be nervous for food on holidays?), but of course I totally understand you. Keep up with your meal plan and remember a little extra is GOOD instead of bad. You don’t have to eat ‘healthy’ all the time (please don’t, takes away so much fun! salads are nice, but there’s so much more;)) and you can just go with the flow. Trust your body and yourself and most important: ENJOY! Please leave ED at home, he doesn’t belong with you:)

    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  8. healthyGLAM March 25, 2010 at 3:06 am #

    Omg I totally understand how you feel about the whole going on vacation/not feeling bad about overindulging thing! I always feel that way when my parents plan family trips. I do the same thing of telling myself that vacations are about memories not calories. So glad you addressed that 🙂 I hope you have a GREAT time on your trip!

  9. Jessica @ How Sweet It Is March 25, 2010 at 5:46 am #

    You are doing so well girl! I am sure you will find strength as you go on your trip.

  10. Lauren March 25, 2010 at 5:46 am #

    A million congrats to you for reaching your goal!!! I know that you must have mixed emotions on it (only natural) but try not to think of this achievement as anything less than a complete accomplishment!!!!! You set out to do something and you did it!!!!!!!!!!! That’s awesome girl! 🙂 Even though your goal may have gone against the “norm”, it was YOUR personal goal that you needed to do for your own health and well being and YOU DID IT!!!! 🙂

    ❤ you Shelly!

  11. tatiannalives March 25, 2010 at 5:52 am #

    Shelley, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU 🙂
    Seriously.. I hope to be exactly where you are soon 🙂 What you have done is amazing, and you should feel so proud. I love you attitude, and I want you to know how much of an important part of my recovery you are.

    You are going to have a fantastic trip, and I am positive Gertrude is not going to follow you there 🙂 I know it’s going to be difficult, but you are exactly right – the meals and times spent with your family are supposed to be about memories, not calories. Who cares? You are loved, respected, and absolutely beautiful. No amount of calories should ever compromise the amazingness you have achieved.
    Love you big sis!
    ❤ Tat

  12. Meg's Gut March 25, 2010 at 6:19 am #

    congrats on your goal!
    haha for a quick moment I glanced at the pom seeds in your cereal and I thought it was ketchup hehe.
    my fav childhood cereal was frosted flakes, I know thats a boring one, but I loved it!

  13. Alexa Meany March 25, 2010 at 6:59 am #

    heyy! ahh so funny story!

    i gave up gum for lent cause i was literally chewing massive amounts ( like a pack a day for real) and i just felt i needed to stop for a while! that is my FAVE flavor and i swear bc i can’t have it i can hear someone openeing a piece of gum in a mile radius! SO frustrating! LOL soon enough tho!

    as far as eating out/exercise on vacations.. i have developed some things that work for me really well over the last year! I try to keep breakfasts and lunch as similar to the ones i eat at home.. it may take some menu arranging but it allows you to be flexible and still eat with the people on your trip with you. I let dinner be my meal where i have the most experimentation ( i also LOVE dinner) and exercise i go by the mantra “if it happens it happens” meaning if its 330 and i’m sick of laying by the pool ( or sunburnt hehe) I go to the gym with a magazine and just go for a nice walk and read that/listen to music or i take a walk around the resort/hotel ( which you’d be surprised!! moms and others LOVE coming with!)

    anyways hope that helps!

    i also bring tons of bars/ snacks/ barney butter packets/packs of almonds- to help out with the meal in emergency

  14. Shelleysveryproudmom March 25, 2010 at 7:06 am #

    Cant’ wait to see you tonight! Check out the website for Pita Jungle. We will be eating there in Arizona and I think you will LOVE it!
    Were gonna have a great time and of course we will all be support you through your first vacation at your new, healthy weight!
    Love you tons!!!!!!

  15. gateauxbellehelene March 25, 2010 at 7:13 am #

    Congratulations Shelley! I know it is probably really daunting for you but I just want to say that you look great in recent photos you’ve put on here. You also eat really healthily which is great. When I go on holiday I always allow myself to indulge a little more, maybe a dessert every couple of nights or an ice cream during the day. I just look at it as a week of indulgence that won’t make that much difference to my weight. If you continue to eat healthily and have small indulgences you’ll be ok. I don’t really exercise as such on holiday but we do a lot of walking along the beach (so good for your legs!) or cycling. Maybe go for a walk each morning if you know you’ll be having a more sedentary day. Hope you have a great time on break!

  16. theemptynutjar March 25, 2010 at 7:14 am #

    u will do fine…its not about the food…its about life! keep going forward.

  17. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine March 25, 2010 at 7:15 am #

    Congrats on reaching your goal weight!! I know how hard you’ve worked, and it’s awesome that you’ve overcome this aspect of ED.

    Traveling makes me a little anxious, too. One thing that helps me is to pack a stash of bars for snacks, so that I never get too hungry and always have something to hold me over in the airport/car/walking around. I was actually in Cali over SB, too, and I was really proud of myself for eating what was offered and not worrying about what I’d eat at restaurants!! You can do it 🙂

    Fave gum is Orbit Sweet Mint too!! And I loved Cocoa Puff and Lucky Charms as a kid.

    Have an amazing time on break!!

  18. feetinmotion March 25, 2010 at 7:31 am #

    Congrats girl! Oh my goodness, spring break will be so much fun for you. Las Vegas and Arizona!! Sounds like fun. I love Red Rock Canyon in Vegas, it’s so cool. I don’t have a problem going on vacation and I don’t think you should ever feel guilty or let ED take over. You’ll be doing so much physical activity on vacation and a lot of walking that you should eat some good food 🙂 I have never exercised on vacation but I was never on a training schedule. I’m going to disney world after school is out this year and will need to run so I have to figure out how to do that!! Have a great day girl!!

  19. MelissaNibbles March 25, 2010 at 7:46 am #

    Congrats on reaching your goal! You should be very, very proud. You’re an inspiration to others who are struggling to get there.

    I’m going away this weekend and I’m nervous about overindulging as well. I know that it’s easy to make healthy choices so I don’t know why I’m stressing about it. That’s why I hate ED’s! They come back to haunt you during times that you should be excited and looking forward to having fun. It’s a struggle. Good luck to you, but I know you’ll be fine 🙂

  20. Jennifer March 25, 2010 at 7:58 am #

    I am really happy that you have reached your goal weight. As far as anxiety about your trip, just remember to live in that moment with your family. Constantly thinking about the what if’s surrounding your meals will make you miss out on all of the fun and quality time that you will have with your family. Focusing on reconnecting with them will take the anxiety of food off your mind. As far as exercising on a trip or vacation, if I’m gone for a week I might exercise 2 or 3 times. But nothing intense. Just refreshing things such as hiking or biking a trail or running for 30 minutes. But I truly do it to enjoy the nature around me.

  21. Kelly March 25, 2010 at 8:12 am #

    Usually when you go on vacations we always rent a condo or a house where there is a kitchen. That way we can eat breakfast and lunch in and then go all out for dinner. We have always vacationed this way. I personally like this because it saves money not eating every meal out AND it allows me to stay healthy while being away! Hang in there…you will be okay! 🙂

  22. Tori March 25, 2010 at 8:27 am #

    I know it’s easier said than done, but I hope on your vacation you do allow yourself to overindulge. Vacations don’t come around often, (atleast not for me) so you should take advantage of that time you have with your family and all the memories you will take away from that time. You don’t want to look back and regret not living it up and enjoying everything it had to offer. Like that big peice of cake at dessert or something else not food related. INDULGE! And have a wonderfull time…you deserve it!

    ❤ Tori

  23. Molly March 25, 2010 at 9:08 am #

    I always have the HARDEST time realizing that memories are so much better than calories. but in the end I think that is what saved me from my ED habits. The ability to say “yes” to eating more/different than I had planned in my head is hard, but in the end it is SO worth it. There are options everywhere to make you feel less “guilty”…but I always see it this way, a vacation is the best reason to indulge. because you can get right back to normal when its over. Live it up while you can girly- some of the best youll have will be while you’re on vacation 🙂 Say yes far more than you say no…you wont regret it. Promise 🙂


  24. blueeyedheart March 25, 2010 at 9:49 am #

    Congratulations on reaching your goal! Have a great time on vacation; you’re absolutely right, life should be about making memories.

    ❤ ❤

  25. Danielle March 25, 2010 at 10:39 am #

    Congrats girl, you should be proud of yourself for overcoming something so difficult!!

    I always exercise when I’m away because I enjoy it! My friends always ask, “Why do you want to run if we’re on vacation?” I’m like…”Running never felt like something stressful or obligatory?”

    But with that being said, I really hope you relax & enjoy the break. Try not to worry about eating perfectly clean…it won’t change anything in the grand scheme of things 🙂

  26. Karin March 25, 2010 at 10:45 am #

    Congratulations! That’s great news 🙂 though I get why you’re also worried.. Just take things easy and things will fall into place.

  27. isladeangela March 25, 2010 at 11:14 am #

    Ohhhh, Shelley your pretzels with mustard and ketchup gave me chills – ick! Was that an experiment or something you regulalry enjoy!? Ick, girl, ick! 🙂 ha, ha ~ Angie

    • Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth) March 25, 2010 at 4:38 pm #

      hahha i guess i’m weird! i love dipping my pretzels in mustard

  28. Melissa S. March 25, 2010 at 11:15 am #

    congrats on hitting your goal weight! such great news!! and I’m proud of how you feel about it, even if there is a bit of nervousness there.

    as far as being on vacation, i try my hardest just to go with the flow. i still have a very hard time with restaurants so i’ve always got my own food, but the more I push my own buttons the easier it is to focus on the company and the people around you. i’ve only just started to realize all the things i’ve missed out on over the years because of the calories…and now? i’m totally focusing on having fun and doing things i’ve never done before (shark fishing!!???)

  29. malpaz March 25, 2010 at 11:33 am #

    I AM SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF YOU!!!! yay for meeting and beating the biggest goal in recovery!!!! i cannot wait until the day i can write a similar post- omg i am giddy thinking about it!

    1) How do you deal with vacationing/getting out of your “comfort zone?” Do you feel guilty for indulging on vacations?
    hmm…havent vacationed in years, i need one. going to MD in May for a wedding so ill have to get back to you

    2) Do you exercise while you are gone?
    hah…i dont exercise period…

    3) Favorite gum?
    bad teeth(ed induced) so i dont chew gum

  30. Katie March 25, 2010 at 11:38 am #

    Hi Shelly,

    I just wanted you to know that I’m in a pretty similar place. I recently reached my “goal range” and immediately afterward went on vacation. Of course I was nervous about gaining while I was away, but I decided I was just going to enjoy myself. I ate both healthy things AND vacation “treats” (wine, plenty of desserts, delicious meals at restaurants). I also brought bars and nuts with me snacks and plane rides. I never set foot in a gym, but we did plenty of walking, swimming, and hiking, and I actually came back weighing a little bit less (am now making up for it though!)… Whatever happens with your weight over the course of the week, your body will naturally go back to where it is now when you return to your usual routine. ENJOY YOURSELF! You’ve worked so hard to get where you are now, and one of the wonderful things about being at a healthy weight is that it allows for indulgences. You don’t have to watch every morsel to maintain. And you’ll never know that you CAN unless you try. Use this week to celebrate all the wonderful progress you’ve made. Congrats!!

    xo Katie

  31. lowandbhold March 25, 2010 at 11:46 am #

    Congrats girl! You are stunning and I’m so happy for you.

    I love Joshua Radin!!

  32. ilanalala March 25, 2010 at 12:08 pm #

    First of all, this post is wonderful to read…obviously not every thought is going to be positive and it’s okay to have mixed feelings about reaching your goal because recovery isn’t perfect and things take a while. Although I usually like what I see when I look in the mirror there are times when I look and I can’t help but have that whisper in the back of my head… but then I move past it.

    Going out to eat, and vacationing, is about INDULGING but not OVERINDULGING. There is a huge difference. You don’t need to order every single thing on the menu just because you go out to dinner with your family – you CAN make healthy choices without restricting and while still enjoying yourself. Consider splitting a good salad and a delish main course with someone in your family for moderation, check out veggie options because they’re often delicious and less worrisome, and if you find you want to indulge yourself a bit, go ahead. One of the strongest indications of recovery is being able to indulge without overthinking it (beforehand anyway – chances are, after you might want to beat yourself up for eating that slice of cake or whatever but then it’s a worthy moment to remind yourself that eating the cake was GOOD for you and that you’re stronger than your disorder, and that cake tasted a hell of a lot better than no cake at all).
    Moral of the story is: Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you have to throw all healthy inclinations out the window, and at the same time you don’t have to restrict yourself just because you’re out of your comfort zone. You can balance healthy eats with special indulgences without compromising your goals or feeding into disordered mentalities. Just relax and try to live in the moment and you’ll find it a lot easier than you think!

  33. Naomi (onefitfoodie) March 25, 2010 at 12:45 pm #

    Umm I am OBSESSED with Joshua Radin!!! I thought I was the only one who loved him! his voice and music makes me MELT!! i love love love this song!! “Star mile” is another amazing song!

    I sometimes get take out from whole foods and before I go think that i will ‘branch out’ but then I see the salad bar and it is just so amazing with so many combos that I can’t resist either! I do exercise when i go on vacation! working out is part of my lifestyle and especially when i go somewhere warm I get so excited to run outside in new surroundings! if not I hit up the hotel gym 🙂 I don’t really htink of a vacation as taking of a vacation from working out since it is something that I truly enjoy. Maybe my workouts aren’t as intense, or as often but I do still do it!

    I think you just have to try to live in the moment, enjoy the time with your family and just not think so much about food. I know it sounds easy, but just enjoy your time off!!

  34. kbwood March 25, 2010 at 1:03 pm #

    I AM SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU! hugs your way!! YAY!! girl it is SO great to be healthy, i hardly ever hear eds voice anymore and you will have that too! soo exciting!! YAY
    i dont make exercising a priority on vacation-especially when i was just getting to my healthy weight, i hardly ever exercised, so i dont think you should worry about exercising!
    LOVE kix!! YUM
    LOVE orbit gum! peppermint!

  35. feetinmotion March 25, 2010 at 1:42 pm #

    He really is a sweetie! Yeah I’ll definitely still have a good time without the RA position! 🙂

  36. Jenna March 25, 2010 at 1:42 pm #

    congrats on your weight range girl! you have come SO far in your recovery 🙂 i am soo proud!
    have a great vaca with the fam slamm 😉

  37. chocolate pickle March 25, 2010 at 2:12 pm #

    Have a GREAT time on your trip with your family!! I think that some anxiety is normal, but use your family for guidance….I always try to see how my sisters and parents are eating because they are all healthy and do indulge a bit on vacations…so I eat meals with them and take cues from them….it helps reassure me that I’m eating normally:) Exercise usually happens all by itself on vacation…..if you’re sightseeing, etc. then you probaly walk around enough for a good work out every day:) If not, I will maybe go for a walk in the morning before breakfast or hit the hotel’s pool for some movement….but I wouldn’t want to spend hours in the gym because it’s time that could be spent with family, freinds, sightseeing….that’s just me though:) HAVE A BLAST!!!!

  38. paigemadaline09 March 25, 2010 at 2:30 pm #

    Love your blog && so happy to see that you’re doing better with eating. I’ve gone through the same stuggle and it’s cool to see others BEAT IT and learn what HAPPINESS truly is! Love your eats!!! ❤

  39. Missy Maintains March 25, 2010 at 2:31 pm #

    Congrats on your weight!! So proud of you! I do get a little nervous on vacation but tend to let myself splurge just because there is always great food that I could never get at home. Also I usually just move a lot more than I usually do so it tends to balance out.

  40. whydeprive March 25, 2010 at 2:49 pm #

    I do exercise when Im on vacation. But I get grumpy if I dont. I have too much energy and it has to go somewhere!!

    Congrats on reaching your goal!! Thats awesome!

  41. one healthy apple March 25, 2010 at 2:57 pm #

    Hey Sweetie! I’m happy to hear you are healthy and made it to your range. I know you’ll rock it! Where are you going in Arizona? I’m going to be in the Grand Canyon next week!

    I try to eat at least 2 meals in the same way I eat at home and choose one meal or snack to taste something different/new. My fave way to explore new places is by foot, so I consider that my exercise.

  42. Swanky Dietitian March 25, 2010 at 3:02 pm #

    Thanks again for stopping by my blog. I love the addition of pineapple in your salad. I need to do this.
    I try to eat healthy majority of the time I am gone. Pack healthy snacks, etc. I still do not deprive myself. I try to get in a couple good workouts but mostly just try to make sure I am walking alot, etc.

    Have a great trip!

  43. Judy March 25, 2010 at 3:10 pm #

    I feel so happy for you! You are so brave & strong and beautiful!
    I am also on my recovery right now and I have a question which troubles me for pretty long time. Now, you are in your goal weight but how are you going to maintain it? Do you have to switch meal plan to eat less?
    I hope that you can help me with these questions and again congratulations!

  44. Carly in wonderland March 25, 2010 at 4:42 pm #

    I wouldn’t exercise while you are gone- its vacation! Relax 🙂 It’s great that you are comfortable going out to eat. That will make this trip a lot easier. You know what, you you do eat a little extra, it’s ok- normal people do on vacations! Try to trust your body.

  45. Amanda @ . seek . March 25, 2010 at 7:36 pm #

    Hun, I think it’s awesome that you’ve come into your goal weight range. Congratulations! I know it comes with mixed feelings, but you should be so proud. You’re completely right when you say that it’s good you kicked this thing before it got too serious. An ED left untreated for too long sprouts deep roots that are hard to get rid of. It’s better to be free of it because life definitely isn’t about the calories.

  46. Emily March 25, 2010 at 9:11 pm #

    I truly think this vacation will be wonderful for you, a true challenge. learning to live, whether it be on vacation or right at home, is a big deal. you’ll have no problem adjusting, I’m sure 🙂

    vacations are meant to be enjoyed, so, yes, I do indulge whenever I go some place different, but I’m still mindful of what I eat.

    have fun!!

  47. Katharina March 25, 2010 at 9:15 pm #

    Girlfriend!!! Congratulations on getting to the goal weight. It’s true that weight isn’t everything, but the fact that you didn’t leave it out.. that’s awesome!! Because being at a healthy BMI is important to make sure all your organs and other things are functioning optimally. This sounds weird but I feel like I’m living vicariously through you in this sense lol. I think I told you before that it’s frustrating for me to have difficulties gaining weight. But thank goodness I also realize that we are more than just bodies. I’m doing what I can to work on that issue and not let it suck the joy out of life.

    1) Hmm.. I love vacations! lol. Usually my parents get a place that has a kitchen.. either we rent a vacation home or get some kind of suite. But I don’t know if you remember my vacation to Naples and we didn’t have a kitchen. BUT BOY OH BOY!! Best breakfast buffets EVERRR (freshly baked bread, creme brulee, other pastries, pancakes, cheeses, fresh fruits, even granola and yogurt + honey!!!) and Whole Foods was nearby 😀 Plus.. if you think about it. There are tons of choices out there that will satisfy whatever tastes you’re craving 🙂 Also keep in mind that your body is pretty good at regulating itself. Not to mention since you’ve been giving it the nourishment it needs, it’s even easier for your body to function properly. I guess my point is that when we vacation.. it’s just temporary and then we get back to our usual routines, and your body will balance itself out 🙂 Just enjoy girlie! You deserve a break–can’t wait for the semester to be overrrr

    2) I do yoga with my yoga downloads 😀 It just adds to the relaxation of vacationing

    3) I have a couple faves lol. Orbitz sweet mint is one of them 😀 And I also like the watermelon trident one. Yummm.

    I hope the rest of your week is awesome!! And have a wonderful wonderful break, ok?? 😉


    • Katharina March 25, 2010 at 9:37 pm #

      I also forgot to mention… but I think you already know this 🙂 You can always reach out to your family when you need it, heck they’re already there for you. Love you!

  48. beccaandspice March 25, 2010 at 10:02 pm #

    congrats on getting to your healthy range my dear!! so so proud of you. stay strong :] maybe your family can help you through this? i know my family isn’t incredibly supportive but maybe yours is!! have a great time :]

  49. Molly March 25, 2010 at 10:03 pm #

    Do not fret over your vacation sweetie. I promise you one week long of indulgences or unusual food will not put pounds on your midsection. I guarantee you will remain the same. The human body is a miraculous thing.

    I am so proud of you for being in goal range. BMI of 20 is awesome! Good job girl! You are so motivated and far into your recovery… I love how you acknowledge that sometimes it will be hard but you want to make it through it and fight off the fat talk in your head (etc..)

    Love it.

  50. sophia March 25, 2010 at 10:31 pm #

    Shelley, I’m so overjoyed for you that you’ve reached your goal weight range. Awesome! I already know you look fabulous and glowing!

    As for the trip…I think it’s gonna be a GREAT burst out of your comfort zone, and a kick to the next level in recovery. I remember about a year ago, I was forced to go on a Penang trip, and I totally freaked out…but guess what? It was kind of the turning point of my recovery. I hope this trip will be a tremendous success, and you truly kick ED to the curb!

    That said…girl, you’re coming over to ME! in LA! Ah, I wish I could meet you!

  51. Allison R. March 25, 2010 at 10:38 pm #

    I’m so happy for you!!! 🙂 It’s been WAAAY too long since we’ve seen each other, though! So have a great, relaxing break; and let’s REALLY get together when we we get back! K? K! 😀

  52. The Candid RD March 26, 2010 at 6:46 am #

    Congrats to YOU for reaching your goal weight!!! That is so fabulous, I’m proud of you 🙂 And I know you are proud of yourself. You deserve to be. What a great accomplishment.

    On vacations I do not workout, but I know I usually walk more than I do at home, so I figure I’m ok. I literally take a vacation from everything, and just relax and enjoy my time away form “the Real World”. That’s what a vacation is about!!

  53. Kylee (Little Hat) March 26, 2010 at 9:44 am #

    I’m so happy for you! Congrats on getting to your goal range (: That is amazing! You’re right – life is about memories, not calories. I am embracing this mindset a lot more frequently these days, and it’s absolutely fabulous! Hope you have a great time on your trip (: <3- Kylee

  54. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA March 26, 2010 at 9:59 am #

    Hi love!!

    Congrats on reaching your goal weight! You are amazing 🙂

    I tend to try to eat as normal as I can (when I diverge from my high fiber diet I tend have probs in the constipation dept), lol. So I usually splurge on a good dessert and drinks. What’s vacation without some good cocktails, right??? 😉

    My favorite gum in Trident Original (creative I know, lol) and I don’t worry about exercising when on vacation. I’m more apt to take long walks and explore the area if I’m getting restless.

    xoxoxo. Have a blast on spring break!!!

  55. Can You Stay for Dinner March 26, 2010 at 10:18 am #

    Your insight and introspection is remarkable! I just love your willingness to grow and embrace life, even the challenges. I’m always inspired by your honesty and strength!
    And what an amazing line you said, “Life is about memories not calories.” I could never ever have said it better. So true.
    Just remember to soak up the experience with your family. Food is not what you’ll remember most from the trip (though I’m sure you’ll have some dynamite meals). It is the engaging with the ones you love that stays after years and years. Be brave and trust yourself, my darling!
    I do exercise on vacation in the sense that I walk as much as I can. I love to absorb my surroundings and just see everything I can outside.
    My favorite gum is Extra Polar Ice! Love the Orbit sweet mint too though!!

  56. Simply Life March 26, 2010 at 1:45 pm #

    wow! all those salads and bowls of oatmeal look delicious! Have a great trip!

  57. justjac March 26, 2010 at 2:52 pm #

    Shelley, congrats on meeting your ‘goal’! You are such an inspiration to so many! Have a great time next week on your spring break and try to relax and just enjoy yourself! I couldn’t agree more, memories > calories!!

  58. Michal March 26, 2010 at 3:32 pm #

    Dude I love that commercial for orbit gum its too funny! I hope you can enjoy yourself on your vacation.

    “Life is about memories, not calories.”

    That line could not be true. 🙂

  59. papercranedreams March 26, 2010 at 5:21 pm #

    Hiya Shelley, I just found your blog and can’t wait to keep reading! You should be so proud of yourself for reaching your goal weight and I know with your attitude, you can absolutely get through any challenges you might run into in the future.

    Hope you had a wonderful trip filled with happy memories!

  60. Gabriela (froyolover) March 26, 2010 at 6:47 pm #

    Awww, Shelley!
    I´m so proud of you!
    You´re my hero, girl. I knew you could do it!
    Have an AMAZING trip.
    Wish you all hapiness in the world!
    Brazilian XOXO´s,

  61. Ada March 26, 2010 at 8:57 pm #

    Great job on achieving your goal weight, I am SO proud of you:)

  62. glidingcalm March 26, 2010 at 10:30 pm #

    Girl! You will be fine on your vaca! You have come so far, and you know what to do!! You will have a blasty!!!!!!

    Pretzel sticks with ketchup and mustard actually sounds really good! Why haven’t I thought of that? I need to get kix back in my life!!!

    Fav. childhood cereal = banana nut crunch by Post?

  63. Antonia March 27, 2010 at 1:58 am #

    When I go on vacation in the summer for 5 weeks, I’m planning on packing a skipping rope and will be skipping and doing a lot of body weight exercises. Well that’s what I’m planning at least because I can’t imagine all my hard work going to waste during those 5 weeks. I’m pretty anxious thinking about it though. =(

  64. Cassandra March 27, 2010 at 8:53 am #

    Can I tell you while driving yesterday I totally called somebody a lint licker!?!! I was getting angry and really trying to stay on track with the whole not cursing thing…. but It’s hard… and after that orbit commercial came out it might just be the thing to help me stop cursing lol…
    Have fun with your family! ❤ Your strong Shelley, so even if your getting anxiety or fears about anything stand in your way.. Indulge! ( food is awesome, and an attention fend, if you don't eat the tasty goodness it will throw a temper tantrum)
    If you don't get to work out while on vacation, don't stress, if anything do a simple workout in the AM, even if its just a quick stretch.

  65. highonhealthy March 27, 2010 at 2:13 pm #

    I actually LOVE vacations because when I’m on them, I finally FIND my comfort zone. It’s bizarre but my everyday life always has me anxious but the moment I go somewhere I just relax and things go smoothly. Perhaps it’s time I go for a looooong vacation.. somewhere like Thailand.. or Greece. I have a feeling that traveling will help me overcome my ED. That epiphany just formed as I wrote this so THANKS SO MUCH FOR ASKING THAT QUESTION! Haha.

    My favorite gum happens to be.. well, I don’t think I have one. It all depends on my mood. Sometimes it’s something minty, other times I want fruity and when I can stomach it, I crave cinnamon gum!

    PS. HUGE congrats on reaching your goal weight! I knew you could do it. 🙂 And although it’s hard, try to let your fears drift away. You’re strong and will have a BLAST while on vacation.

  66. caronae March 27, 2010 at 7:51 pm #

    Love the title of this post! You’r right, it is the memories that matter! In the end, we won’t remember of we had a bit more or a bit less to eat than usual, but the people will matter! I like to indulge a bit on holidays and have lots of fun, active adventures. Good luck 🙂

  67. Salah@myhealthiestlifestyle March 27, 2010 at 9:45 pm #

    first and foremost congratulations on your weight goal girl! Second, that orbit commercial is hilarious….I could have just watched that like 5 times in a row…and laughed harder each time! Lastly, I LOVE Hayden Penattier and Joshua Radin!!

  68. Gracie @ Girl Meets Health March 28, 2010 at 7:29 am #

    I’m actually on vacation right now. In fact, I’ve been on some sort of vacation for the better part of the past MONTH! I’ll be honest – it’s been tough eating “healthy” all the time…especially because 90% of my meals have been at restaurants. I would definitely say that I’ve been over-indulging more than I would *like* to be, but I’m not letting myself feel guilty about it. I think that part of living a healthy lifestyle is indulging every so often (and what better time than on vacation?) and *being okay with it.* I mean, I still make healthy choices as much as I can, and I’ve been keeping up with exercising, but I’ve accepted the fact that indulgences are going to happen. I feel like if I don’t let myself eat what I’m craving, I’ll feel deprived. I’d rather eat whatever I want (in moderation) and then get back to my normal, healthy routine when I get home. So in a way, I guess you could say I am focusing on “memories over calories,” which is a phrase/mantra that I think I’m never going to forget!! So thanks for that =) And thanks for another inspiring post! ❤

  69. Laura March 28, 2010 at 7:31 am #

    I look up to you SO much it’s unbelievable! You are such an amazing role model and I hope you realize this!!

    As for vacationing- I try my best to stay in the moment. If I begin looking ahead and getting anxious for a certain meal, I tend to restrict beforehand which isn’t a healthy thing to do. But if I stay present I find that I do a lot better and am a LOT happier!

    I can’t wait for the diet soda post….I need something to make me stop drinking it (although my intake is SO SO much less than it used to be!)

  70. Katherine: What About Summer? March 28, 2010 at 6:40 pm #

    You have a healthy perspective about eating now and that is what is important! I’m totally trying to get there but know I’m not at all yet. Thanks for being honest about your feelings- it’s nice to know I’m not the only one that struggles!


  71. Jess March 28, 2010 at 8:20 pm #

    This is a fabulous post! I’m so glad that you are in a healthy range–such a positive accomplishment. I am so proud of you!

    Good luck while on vacation! Just RELAX. It’s vacation! Eat what you want, when you want, and try not to worry about it. Now, I know how hard that is, truly I do! You can do it 🙂
    ❤ jess

  72. aletheiazoe March 28, 2010 at 11:26 pm #


    YOU’RE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

    Every time I come back to read your blog, you’re just getting better and better. Mentally stronger, with more and more real conviction. You’re a girl with a good head on your shoulders and I love you for that.

    1) How do you deal with vacationing/getting out of your “comfort zone?” Do you feel guilty for indulging on vacations?
    I don’t overindulge but I do experiment. I don’t deprive myself of the opportunity to try foods that I would not be able to try otherwise. There’s regret for overindulgence and there’s great regret for not having indulged at all. 🙂

    2) Do you exercise while you are gone? I try to do as little as possible. Vacation is for enjoying where you are, in that moment. The treadmill is still there when you get back. Live in the NOW!

    3) Favorite gum? I’m with you on Orbit. Spearmint rules me so hard. Too bad we dont have Orbit in Canada though! Favorite childhood cereal? Waaay too many: Honey nut cheerios. French toast crunch. Rice Krispies. Honeycombs. The list goes on!

    🙂 warm wishes ,

  73. Michele | aka Raw Juice Girl March 29, 2010 at 1:27 am #

    Wow. I’m SO glad I found your blog!!

    I checked out your About page and read the page about your story, too. Kudos to you for your health accomplishments – you’re doing great!! 😀

    I say enjoy some yummy treats, have lots of laughs and fun with your family, and just breathe and enjoy the moment.

    You deserve it!!! 😀


  74. Rachel @ Shedding It March 30, 2010 at 9:44 am #

    I LOVE the title of this post!

    When I studied abroad in England, I gained about 8 pounds in the six weeks I was there. There were a LOT of reasons for it, and of course, drinking was a HUGE part of it. But when I came home, one of my best friends said, “Oh well…those are Happy Calories.” So the term “happy calories” has always stuck with me.

    While I definitely try to check myself these days on vacation, I do have a secret and not-at-all scientific belief that if you apply “eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full” to situations when food has too many “happy calories,” the weight won’t come on as much — and it’ll just melt right off when you get home!

    Like you said, life is about MEMORIES and I think that if you approach situations without guilt and disordered thoughts, you’ll enjoy yourself and yet will be able to resist a fourth margarita!

  75. nattietan March 30, 2010 at 10:18 am #

    I’m so proud of you hun!! You are so strong, so real, and such an inspiration as always.

    When I’m on holiday with family, it doesn’t get too stressful because they don’t place a lot of pressure on me to eat like they do, but I’m off to Taiwan with my bestie in May and even thinking about it sometimes makes me feel a little anxious. But that said, I’ve decided that what’s most important is the time spent exploring Taiwan and even more importantly, having fun with Pearl. So I guess that a thought to hold on to.

    I realise that there’s little need to exercise while on holiday with all the walking that tends to happen. Still, if I’m on a long holiday in the UK visiting relatives, not so much to indulge in touristy stuff, I do bring along my running shoes although I don’t usually use them except for once or twice. Lol.

    And guess what, gum’s banned in Singapore because people were jamming the train doors with them back in the day. So I’m not really into gum. x)

    Nat xoxo

  76. hundredtenpounds March 30, 2010 at 2:32 pm #

    1) How do you deal with vacationing/getting out of your “comfort zone?” Do you feel guilty for indulging on vacations? I usually exercise when I’m on vacation. Sometimes it’s in the form of hiking or biking or doing something like that. But I have no problem using the hotel pool/gym. Last time I was in Vegas, I went for a run. I loved it! It was so cool to run somewhere new.

    2) Do you exercise while you are gone? I exercise 5 or 6 days a week. No matter where I am!

  77. Nicole March 31, 2010 at 4:48 pm #

    1) How do you deal with vacationing/getting out of your “comfort zone?” Do you feel guilty for indulging on vacations?

    Vacations are far and few between…I enjoy (within moderation). I would feel jipped otherwise!

    2) Do you exercise while you are gone?

    Yep, if it fits into the schedule! Hubby likes to sleep in reeeally late when we’re on vacation, so it’s not too hard. We’ll be in Vegas this weekend and I plan to 🙂

    3) Favorite gum? Stride!
    Favorite childhood cereal (bc of the kix above!!)? Fruity Pebbles!

  78. darkchocolatekisses April 1, 2010 at 8:58 am #

    I LOVE this post! It really speaks to my heart. I know that you will do great on vacation. You have made so much progress since I started reading your blog… and I know you can only do more!!!!

    ❤ Katey
    (formerly words of love- but this is my new blog!)

  79. lizzyj1305 April 1, 2010 at 10:48 am #

    hey pretty chica!!
    I miss you!! I hope all is well! I am sure you are doing amazingly…because that’s just how you roll! I got a new site! I hope to see you over there! 😉

  80. Katherine: What About Summer? April 3, 2010 at 6:57 am #

    Hope you’re doing well and still finding happiness and health!

  81. mx April 4, 2010 at 3:58 am #

    hi…i recently went on a vacation with much anxiety too…until i realised how stupid that was. vacation means i should be relaxed and having fun. meaning i’ll eat when i want to, and eat what i want. (also means not eating when i’m full, and not eating what i don’t want aha)

    so i went ahead and i’m quite proud to say i managed to spend a great time with my family, enjoyed my food (very foreign food..i went to bangkok), and didn’t overeat except for the last night when we had a scrumptious buffet and they served soya bean ice-cream…i kind of went crazy with it…

    i guess i ate my daily 3 meals and abstained from snacks in between. ate less rice so i could enjoy the spread of dishes on the table. drank lots of water instead of other fluids. really made the active decision to stop eating when i feel the fullness/bulge coming. and tried to shit every morning so i could clear my system. also ate selectively…i tried the ‘special foods’ and didn’t waste calories on foods i could eat back home (i’m from singapore)

    and absolutely did not midnight snack (which i do a lot at home 😦 ) instead, every night, i read in bed with a glass of hot water by my side until i fell asleep…which was divine!

    hope this helps!

  82. Lauren April 4, 2010 at 6:47 am #

    Hey love!

    Glad things are going well for you.

    I try not to stress when I go away, but I would be lying if I said I don’t get a little anxious. I always just remind myself that I am totally entitled to go outside of my “comfort” zone because I hardly ever get the opportunity to be in a new and exciting place. Why would I want to deprive myself on the most amazing food that the city has to offer? That would be silly.

    Hope you have a wonderful Easter girl.

    Take care!

  83. Megan April 4, 2010 at 9:23 am #

    YAY!! Congrats on hitting your goal range! That’s a HUGE milestone and you should be super proud of yourself!! And I love the title of your post… it definitely is all about memories over calories! Go out there and have FUN! Try new foods, indulge a little bit, and then come back and tell us so we can be jealous!

  84. julia April 4, 2010 at 2:28 pm #

    Strange…I can see a new post in my Google Reader, but not on this blog?!
    Hope everything is going OK, thinking of you:)

    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  85. Molly April 4, 2010 at 3:35 pm #

    Woo for being a healthy BMI and within your healthy weight range that is awesome!

    When I am vacationing/home I tend to know that I will be obviously eating foods I generally do not eat on a regular basis. Being home this weekend I have definitely indulged more (way more) than I normally would but I also know that one weekend is not going to add 10 pounds to my hips, etc.. I don’t know sometimes I feel super weighed down but it is really only going to last a little while.. hmm (thinking while I type clearly haha)

    I love orbit and i love trident spearmint flavor.

  86. blueberrymuffins April 4, 2010 at 5:32 pm #

    Congratssss!! Enjoy your vacation time ❤

  87. Lauren April 4, 2010 at 5:45 pm #

    First of all, I am so excited to find a Joshua Radin fan! Absolutely love him. I know there are a lot of us that love him, but I just get excited when people share my taste in music, what can I say…

    I love your blog. I just found it, and it is very open and honest. I also think its admirable that you are beating your eating disorder on your own, no hospitalization or anything. Its incredible. You are amazing and gorgeous. Keep living your beautiful life!


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