Let it Out

I was thinking about what I could do that would not only benefit me, but my readers as well & this is what I came up with.

Without further ado, I introduce to you the…


This is YOUR space on my blog to literally LET.OUT.ANYTHING.

I know personally that when I keep things inside, I go absolutely crazy. I love being able to vent about things- whether it is something/someone that is really bothering me, something I am feeling, something I am really proud of & just want to brag about, and anything in between.

I’m talking anything- was the girl chewing gum really obnoxiously behind you in class pissing you off? Did you get in a huge fight with your best friend/boyfriend/parents? Did you stub your toe? Did your favorite pair of jeans just not fit you quite right today? hahaha

I want to give you all the opportunity to do this with this page.

I promise I will try to respond to them all! I also plan on using this page to let some of my own ‘things’ out!

so, what are you waiting for?

LET IT OUT- it will feel good, I promise. & nothing is off limits EXCEPT no triggering fat talk por favor!

15 Responses to “Let it Out”

  1. dmcgirl37 June 2, 2010 at 12:25 pm #

    I LOVE the idea of this page!

    I would like to let out a ton of different things but I dont want to clutter up your page. Plus you can just go to my blog to find out my current announces..

    Dana xx

  2. Casey June 4, 2010 at 9:13 am #

    Love it Shelley! Here goes…

    My BFF recently called me to tell me she’s cheating on her husband. I’m the only one who knows. How do I deal with this?! I want to tell her to stop, to honor her marriage, but it’s her decision…any thoughts?

    • Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth) June 4, 2010 at 9:31 am #

      Such a tough situation, I’m sorry you have to carry that stress on your shoulders. Obviously I don’t have the definite right answer, but If I were you i’d tell your friend how you are feeling in a nice way. Tell her that you feel like you have to be honest and tell her how you personally feel about the situation, but since you are her best friend you will support her no matter what. Maybe hearing your genuine opinion will make her reevaluate her decisions and then either stop, or tell her husband what is going on. I know that it might seem like you are prying, but she put you in this position by telling you in the first place. As long as you don’t talk to her in an accusing tone, I don’t think she’ll be upset to hear that you are worried she is doing the wrong thing. Let me know if you talk to her πŸ™‚ & good luck!

  3. Amanda June 4, 2010 at 9:56 am #

    I just stumbled upon your blog! I would like to let out that I have to do a reading for my graduation mass and I’m freaking out! I know it all but I want my parents to stop drilling me!

    Thanks, Amanda

    http://www.purplebandaids.wordpress.com <— check it out!

    • Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth) June 5, 2010 at 7:06 pm #

      good luck hun!!! you’ll be great

  4. Kelly June 4, 2010 at 12:57 pm #

    WHY DO I HAVE BE INJURED!?!?! It isn’t fair! 😦

    • Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth) June 5, 2010 at 7:06 pm #

      ugh i know it sucks, I really hope you feel better Kelly!!!!

  5. Cassandra June 11, 2010 at 7:12 pm #

    I AM SO OVER: being depressed, being overweight, hating myself, eating food I know isn’t good for my body, worrying that others find me disgusting, and feeling bad for myself!!!!! I need to LET THIS OUT and I need to CHANGE. Aww, feels good to at least say it!

  6. Heather June 12, 2010 at 3:07 pm #

    Why do I have so much anxiety? Why is eating what I want and listening to my body so hard? Why do I know what to do, yet succumb to fear instead of doing the damn thing? Why do I think I’m physiologically different than all other humans? (Last time I checked I was not an alien). How amazing is life going to be once I not only eat enough (which I do), but also ALWAYS enjoy what I eat (not merely settle). Truth be told life pretty dang good now, why can’t I focus on that? End Rant. Thanks a bunch.

  7. Rose September 5, 2010 at 12:21 pm #

    I am so tired of feeling like I have a secret that no one can know about. I am tired of the all consuming thoughts about my diet, my size, other peoples opinions of me. Of never being fully present for other people because my only true concern is how I look. I am ready to live my life again I just don’t really know how. I am ready to feel instead of being numb. I am ready to find my strength my healing and my happiness. Where do I begin? I feel overwhelmed and fed up at the same time. I would rather move into the scary unknown than stay stuck in a tiny box of distorted eating and fear.

  8. terra September 6, 2010 at 8:49 pm #

    what a great idea for a page! here goes: i’ve been having crazy eating patterns for almost 3 years now, and it’s been getting worse and worse… i can’t remember a day where i didn’t either practically starve, or i binged up to about twice what i was supposed to be eating. the painful part is that i’m at a healthy weight, so no one would believe me if i said anything, and it seems there is no way out..

  9. Cassidy July 18, 2011 at 2:18 pm #

    Here it goes, I have been overweight pretty much my entire life. I feel disgusted at myself every single time I look in the mirror. I try to lose weight but it just feels so difficult with everything going on in life. I feel like i’m never going to find someone who loves me if I don’t actually go through with losing. And no one understands, my friends are all skinny and pretty. They never have the problems that I do. My mom was perfect in high school. I just feel so stuck. I’m SO sick of feeling bad for myself, but I just wish there was an easier way out of this rut! I end up making myself throw up because I’m so mad at myself for what I just ate, and I can’t do anything about it. I don’t know how to stop. I don’t know what to do.

    • Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth) July 18, 2011 at 2:32 pm #

      cassidy- don’t feel guilty for feeling bad for yourself! I understand now how hard it is to break habits, even when they are destructive. I can imagine how hard it is for you to accept yourself right now when you have people like you described around to constantly compare yourself to. I think the hard part is that in order to actually change, you have to accept yourself where you are now first. Obviously, nothing drastic is going to be able to change over night. I know this is pretty common advice, but maybe you can make little goals for yourself that you know you will be able to achieve. Something as simple as eating one cookie instead of two (an example I used for bingeing, I don’t know your situation exactly of course!). The more little victories you have, the better you’ll feel and the easier it will be to make bigger changes. I’m so glad you wrote on here πŸ™‚ I’m here for you if you ever want to vent! Don’t be afraid to ask for help either! xoxox

  10. Matt April 3, 2013 at 2:18 pm #

    I been having such a hard time with a recent break up, even though I know it was for the best. I am Senior a college and she is Sophomore. We were in a long distance relationship, which was extremely difficult for both of us emotionally, but we found a way to make it work for about a year. I feel like a have a huge hole in me, something that is missing from my life, and her facebook is difficult to see as all of her pictures indicate she is moving on. I called her to ask her some questions after not talking for a while and ended up just crying and make a fool out of myself. I know that time will heal everything, but it doesn’t make me feel much better right now. It is painful to think about her potentially meeting someone new as I feel I was there for her through some difficult times just as she was for me. After reading your advice about break ups it sounds like you had a similar experience.


  1. What IS healthy? « Finding Happiness and Health - June 3, 2010

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