My Story

My Story

so I thought it was time that I went into a little more detail about my story because I think it will really help everyone understand why I blog/what I am going through. I also want to show people how easy it is to fall into this terrible cycle of disordered eating & how someone who seems so normal, balanced, & healthy can just take a huge turn for the worse.

so it all started when my boyfriend who you have all heard of by now went to college last year. I had some major changes my senior year of high school in addition to his going away (i will not go into those changes because they are a litttle too personal) so that was hard as it is.

Around winter break, I was pretty bored and decided I would dedicate my time to just lose like 5 pounds. I decided I would give numbers, but if anyone who is reading this does not want to know & if it will trigger anything PLEASE skip this. I weighed around 130-133 and am 5′5 so by now means was i overweight, but I knew i would look great if i lost a few pounds.

here I am before I had really lost any weight

me alone

in about january/february of 2009, I started to eat healthier. I would pack lunches for school & my breakfast every day was a cup of kashi creal (usually honey sunshine), half cup of light soy milk, with half a banana, & some blueberries. lunch would be a turkey sandwich w/ light cheese & light whole grain bread, carrots, & grapes. i would usually have a fiber one bar as a snack between breakfast/lunch & then dinner was kind of up for grabs. I would also usually have an afternoon snack of apple & almonds and I worked out most days.

here is another picture of me right when I started to “diet”- still wasn’t seeing any results. this is because of my “up for grab dinners” & I wasn’t at the point in my workout routine where I was running a ton.

me and gardner dd

as I continued to diet, exercise more, and learn more about what it took to lose weight- I started to slowly see results. I started reading food blogs a LOT & i got ideas about how to eat healthier food. I would constantly look up websites about dieting, eating healthier, losing weight, etc.

I started buying things like greek yogurt & la tortilla wraps & light food and i started to restrict much more. At the same time, my running shape was vastly improving & soon running 3 miles was easy for me.

in about april, I started to notice some results. Here is a picture where i first noticed I had lost around 10 pounds.

me in pink

no one would ever have thought there was something wrong with me, but I was definitely restricting at this point. This is where I look back and think I looked the healthiest. I still had a figure but at the same time, I was a healthy & ideal weight probably for my height.

Then, somewhere things just got out of control. I think the obsession just started to take over me & soon I was limiting my food even more, never indulging, and running more (not a crazy amount, but usually around 4.5 miles 5-6 times a week). Food was always on my mind. I needed to know what I was going to eat at my next meal and I had anxiety when I would have to go out to eat or be in a situation where I didn’t know the exact calories.

In June, people started getting concerned, but still were not TOO concerned because I was still in a healthy weight range. I don’t know exactly how many calories I was eating but including calories burned from exercise, I was probably only getting around 1000-1200 a day.

me weight loss

people started making comments about the weight loss & it was no longer a subtle thing.

Throughout the summer, I kept saying that I was done losing weight. But, with each week, my weight seemed to continue to go down. I became obsessed with maintaining my weight which resulted in even more weight loss. People were starting to get concerned and my friends kept telling me I needed to stop losing.

By August, my parents were truly worried. I weighed 107, which for me was the lowest i’d ever been & so they took me to the doctor who said I needed to gain weight after doing blood work, etc.

But then I went to college. Surrounded by girls who were trying to lose weight, I found that I only continued to limit what I ate. While i was supposed to be gaining, I only continued to lose.

me red

here i probably weighed around 102. my arms and legs look weak, I just did not look myself anymore. Though I was happy, I didn’t realize that I was only harming my body, myself, my family, and Gardner by not taking proper care of myself and giving my body the nutrients it needs.

me and melissa

My mom became increasingly concerned & when she came to visit me, she weighed me and I was down to 103. She said I MUST gain weight & said that if I do not start gaining, she will have no choice but to pull me out of school second semester.

Thankfully, my weight is slowly starting to go up. I am still struggling with the concept of gaining weight, and part of me is so scared of what I will look like if I gain weight. But the other part of me knows that I need it and that if I am in the healthy weight range, even at the lower end, I will look great!

The last time my mom was here (last weekend) she weighed me and I was up to 106. She was so happy & I know I am on the right track.

Thank you so much for reading my story & helping me get through this by simply supporting me, reading my blog, & commenting. I can’t tell you how much it helps on days where I am anxious about gaining to read the extremely positive/encouraging comments you all have left me. It means the world to me to get such great support from strangers.

I’m sorry if the numbers (w/ regards to my weight) offended anyone/upset anyone. I just think it is an important part of my story & for me it helps to explain the situation.

Update- 2/7/10- I now at a BMI of about 19.4. I am working towards a 20! I have made so much progress and am so proud of myself!! Here is a more recent picture:

Update- 4/5/10- I am at my goal of a 20 BMI!! Here is a recent picture now 🙂

Update- 6/1/10 – I have been maintaining my goal range for about two months now!! I feel great!

Update- 7/6/2011This past year was a difficult one for me. I gained back quite a bit of weight (not going to go into numbers or anything) and struggled with bingeing. I am now working on finding my balance and feel like i’m finally on the right track! It is a tough road, but I think after all this I’ll finally be able to find my happy medium.

If you have any more questions/concerns etc. feel free to e-mail me at

76 Responses to “My Story”

  1. Emily ( November 1, 2009 at 9:29 pm #

    i think we are quite similar.

  2. Gabriela November 3, 2009 at 10:27 pm #

    Girly, I know exactly how you feel. When I was 16, (I’m almost 20 now) I became absolutely obsessed with losing weight. It never progressed to a super-serious point, but it definitely wasn’t healthy. Even though I’m way better now, it’s hard not to struggle from time to time! Stay strong!

  3. rebecca lustig November 7, 2009 at 1:46 pm #

    Our stories are SO similar. I was never even remotely close to being overweight– but I wanted to be the most healthy, fit person ever. So I started exercising more and restricting more until things spiraled out of control and I lost 30 pounds and woke up in a hospital bed.

    The path to recovery is long and miserable– but like Emily said, “gaining health” is the most we can do for ourselves.

    Have a glorious Saturday, lovely!

  4. homecookedem November 8, 2009 at 12:16 pm #

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!! Yours is great and I’m looking forward to following you. Even though I’m currently working to lose weight and you are currently working to gain a little, I think we’re both very similar in that we have some issues with food/weight and we’re both striving to get to a place that’s both happy and healthy. So glad to have “met” you!! 🙂

  5. *Andrea* November 8, 2009 at 4:12 pm #

    good luck, girl! you can do it! i’m a senior in college and experienced a similar journey a couple years ago. blogging is so therapeutic and has so many great role models to help with recovery!

  6. chocolate pickle November 11, 2009 at 8:23 pm #

    I just came across your blog and it looks great! I wish you nothing but success in trying to get back to a healthier meal plan….I know how it goes so embrace the good times with the hard as you recover and you’ll come out on top!:)

    • shell625 November 11, 2009 at 8:27 pm #

      thanks girl! do you have a blog?

  7. Bekah November 17, 2009 at 7:15 pm #

    Hi Shelley! Thanks for commenting on my blog- you’re a beautiful girl babe, and I really wish you well with your journey to weight gain, and a happy life. 🙂 I don’t talk much about my food thoughts/inner habits on my blog, but I assure you, we all have similar struggles on the blog world, all at different levels, etc.

    But can’t wait to read more, especially as we’re the same age, and both newly college freshman. 🙂 xoxo

  8. findingthejewels November 19, 2009 at 7:38 am #

    best of luck to you on your journey! i’ve been there too. i just found your blog and look forward to reading more 🙂


  9. simplysavlysav November 20, 2009 at 8:57 pm #

    I’ve been looking around wordpress lately and I have found some blogs, Yours looks really great! I think its awesome that you understand what must be done, and can admit that is scary. I love your outlook, “gain some health back.” I wish you all the best, I’ve been down this road, stay strong and honest (with yourself and those who love you) and you’ll succeed in GAINING YOUR HEALTH BACK! ❤ ❤ =]

  10. Sally November 27, 2009 at 10:02 pm #

    Hi Shelley,
    I just found your blog, read your story, etc., and i just wanted to let you know that I am rooting for you! i was touched by your story and I know that you can overcome this. The eats you have posted look great too 😉 i look forward to reading more about your journey.
    all my love xoxo.

  11. Chrysta November 30, 2009 at 7:59 pm #

    Just found your site! Love it! We definently have similar stories so thanks so much for being so brave in sharing yours. Take care on your journey back to good health!! I look forward to reading more!

  12. kristen December 3, 2009 at 10:41 pm #

    Hi there! I just wanted to wish you luck on your journey to recovery…I actually did the same thing to myself when I was in highschool. I was not overweight by any means but wanted to get “healthy” so I started exercising…eating healthier and lost around 10 lbs or so. Then I started obsessively counting calories, exercising everyday, and never allowing myself to enjoy treats…I ended up losing over 20 lbs (5’7 and went from 140 ish to 112 at my lowest). Lost my period, was cold all the time, my hair started thinning…awful 😦 I just want you to know that you will recover girl! It’s been a few years now, I’m a junior in college and I have finally gained all the weight back healthfully and feel fully comfortable with my eating and exercising and have found my place. Don’t lose hope and keep doing what you are doing! It’s VERY HARD but you already have the mindset you WANT to get better and that is the most important part 🙂 Just keep on keepin on and it will work out…by the way, have you thought about birth control? It really helps to get your hormones back in place and brings back your period…it isn’t for everyone but it may be worth talking to a doctor about.

  13. Jo Stockton December 4, 2009 at 7:53 am #

    Hey! I just found your blog and I thought I’d drop a note. I’m a sophomore in college and I think we’re in similar situations, so I’m looking forward to reading your updates!

  14. quarterlifewellness December 9, 2009 at 4:57 pm #

    Well aren’t you just darling! I really think this blog is a great outlet, and source of social support. I was in a sorority in undergrad and it can kind of be a double edged sword. It’s positive because my sister’s were always there to support me (I had to leave school my second year, when I was living in house actually) and its negative because you are inevitably surrounded by beautiful, strong women.
    I’m here if you ever need any advice and I will def be keeping up with your blog!

  15. Caitlyn December 12, 2009 at 1:12 pm #

    I’m really interested in your story!

    I’m a competitive runner, and with that sport there are many people develop eating disorders
    A woman who was world champion (Patti Catalano) came and spoke to my team and stressed the importance of having Faith. She called her eating disorder a faith disorder, which I found interesting. So although I haven’t struggled with “disordered eating” I have struggled with “disordered faith”…

    That’s what my blog is about ( I hope you check it out!

    I look forward to seeing you grow, and love the food displays you post!

    Keep the faith!

  16. Lindsay December 14, 2009 at 1:42 pm #

    it was so great to read your story because I also struggle with the same life destroying disease and I totally know how it feels to fear gaining weight… but I have been in treatment and gained the weight and I am actually alot happier now then i ever was when I was at my lowest weight!! I am glad to hear that you are fighting ED to stay in school because you totally deserve it!! Please keep blogging and keep fighting the disease!!

  17. B December 15, 2009 at 4:59 pm #

    I have faith that you can! I recovered from a eating disorder and believe me, it is not easy! But, I have faith that you can. If you ever need to talk, I am here. Sometimes it is easier to talk to a stranger.

    And, btw, I love your blog! I just started one today, and I added you to my blogroll and can not stop reading. (:

  18. Jenna@ Health and Happiness December 16, 2009 at 3:34 am #

    Love your blog! I have just recently realized my issues with food and I feel like blogging is my therapy. Now I’m focused on being as healthy as possible, not as skinny as possible. Can’t wait to keep reading!

  19. Nicole December 19, 2009 at 1:15 am #

    Glad you found my blog and likewise. You are absolutely doing the best thing for all, especially yourself. Congrats and best wishes in your journey, I look forward to following!

  20. Biochemista December 19, 2009 at 1:32 pm #

    You are such an inspiration! Thank you for being so honest, I know how hard it can be. You are amazing!!


  21. Biochemista December 19, 2009 at 1:34 pm #

    You are such an inspiration! Thank you for being so honest!!


  22. Morgan December 19, 2009 at 6:36 pm #

    wow, I am so glad you are getting better and healthier! Thanks so much for your honesty, I’m glad I found your blog 🙂

  23. Cassie December 22, 2009 at 6:47 am #

    I can totally relate to your story. It’s so weird (and scary) how easy it is to start with a “harmless” diet, and end up with a very unhealthy relationship with food. You’re very brave to share your story. EDs are a difficult thing to talk about, but your honestly is inspiring. Good luck to you!

  24. Gabriela December 22, 2009 at 5:07 pm #

    Hey, Shelley!
    I just read your story. And I´m at the same situation!
    I´m about 5´1 ft tall and I´ve had issues with anorexia since 12 (i´m 14 now).
    The thing is: i´m turning 15 in February, and my family wants me to weigh about 100lbs by January 24th. That´s they´re “condition” to let me travel to NY/Boston. I live in Brazil, so you can imagine how wonderful would it be for me to travel to the USA!
    We´ll be leaving Brazil on January 26th, and they´ll weight me on January 24th. I´m about 90lbs now.
    Do you think it´s possible to gain all those pounds healthily? And by January 24th?
    I REALLY need your help!
    Contact me, please.
    My e-mail is:
    Thank you 🙂

  25. Ashlei December 24, 2009 at 10:34 pm #

    Good luck with the recovery! I know exactly what you’re going through and it took me a long long time to heal from the same thing, but just trust your body to know what is good for it, listen to your hunger cues, and it will find it’s equilibrium weight. It was scary for me to gain weight to get to a normal weight (I gained about 20 lbs) but I look better and feel better now. You can do it 😀


  26. catiechurch December 25, 2009 at 11:40 pm #

    I really enjoy your blog. It’s really an inspiration!

  27. Sara G. December 27, 2009 at 4:43 pm #

    Hi Shelley,
    Congrats on recovery! I can not believe how similar we both sound. I am your exact height, and I to lost too much weight. I actually weighed exactly what you did at my lowest. I’m in recovery now and I have gained quite a bit back. I know recovery can be hard, and it is still a struggle for me all the time. Its all up from here!

    All the best,

  28. Tina January 2, 2010 at 6:26 am #

    Good luck, it’s a hard battle but it’s well worth it.

    Your health and happiness are the most important!


  29. Emily January 4, 2010 at 9:50 pm #

    hey girl, just came across you blog. I can relate to you in so many ways. We have the same physical qualities, I’m 5’5″ and weighed about the same as you, then lost over 30 pounds :/ I am not recovered but am working towards it, just like you!

    Can’t wait to read more!

  30. Casey January 6, 2010 at 4:28 pm #

    You are a beautiful girl, Shelley! That very top picture of you is SO cute, and that’s when you were at the heaviest, I believe you said. Honestly, you look better that way!

    It sounds like you are on the right path and that’s GREAT. Keep it up girl! I look forward to continuing to read your blog. 🙂

  31. jqlee January 15, 2010 at 12:03 am #

    you and me…same story…loving your blog girl. keep it up!

  32. Simply Life January 18, 2010 at 8:37 am #

    wow thanks for sharing your story. SO glad to hear you’re on the right track and KNOW where you need to be, while be open about the struggle it can be for you to get there…

  33. Kelly January 19, 2010 at 4:10 pm #

    I can’t believe it has taken me this long to come to your blog! I see your comments all the time and I always love what you say! I love your honestly and this story is AMAZING! I think you are a beautiful person and I recognize that your journey is hard. Gaining weight can be scary but I feel like by putting it out here for everyone to read and by owning up to it…you will succeed! I can’t wait to continue reading your blog and following along! You can be an inspiration to a lot of people and I think that is amazing!

  34. gateauxbellehelene January 21, 2010 at 10:02 am #

    Hi Shelley, I just found your blog today and I can really relate to it. My story doesn’t mirror yours completely but I do understand your fears about food as I have suffered with them too. I’ve just started a blog to help me realise I’m doing ok and to show me all the great food I eat! (Please visit me/add me
    I really hope things are working out for you, you are beautiful. Good Luck!

  35. leangreendeane January 21, 2010 at 6:25 pm #

    What an amazing story, and to know that you are coming out of this happier than ever is awesome! 🙂 It is inspiring to here someone that is so honest and true about what they have gone through and how they are succeeding in breaking old habits! For me it was over-exercising that truly brought me to realize what i was depriving my body of and what nutrients allow for the best me! You definitely have a new reader! Thanks:)

  36. livinglikeshannon January 26, 2010 at 11:28 pm #

    Deep post. You’re clearly on the road to recovery. Keep up the good work and I’m glad I found your blog!

  37. jilianmarie January 26, 2010 at 11:49 pm #

    Shelley, your story is amazing! ❤

  38. Jennifer January 30, 2010 at 12:43 am #

    I came across your blog a few days ago and you inspire me. I may not be dealing with what you’re going through, but I’ve had adversity in my life and the fact that you keep going on and staying strong, motivates me to stay strong as well. You are a beautiful young lady and any girl out there that can relate to your struggles will truly benefit from reading your blog. Keep up the faith and stay focused. I look forward to following your blog.

  39. rachael February 7, 2010 at 7:45 pm #

    i relate to your story so much,
    my healthy and small intentions got to be so much bigger of a deal than i ever wanted!
    you look like you are doing fabulous though (:

  40. lpskins February 8, 2010 at 7:41 pm #

    Been there right along with you and now I’m on the other side of the spectrum–bingeing. I love for the day when food/body image isn’t consuming my world. Takes lots and lots of work. Seems like you’re really willing to work hard and make some healthy changes.

  41. Salah February 10, 2010 at 10:20 am #

    I think you have a great story and I hope that it reaches out to other girls in your sorority! I will keep you in my prayers, and just know that Healthy is beautiful. Keep up the hard work! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog!

  42. Diana :D February 12, 2010 at 3:32 pm #

    wow girl, as a lot of girls who have written here, i also know what you went and still going trhough. i had faught with ed for 2 years, i no longer visit doctor and that, but sometimes i.. kinda feel weak in front of ed. its like a little bug picking in my head .. its really annoying, but i’ve learned to uhm.. smash?.. that bug.? hahaha and only think possitive. ive reached a healthy weight, i mean i dont look like Beyonce haha but i FEEL good. and that’s what matters! YOU feeling good with yourself. don’t worry too much of numbers 😉 its only time. just keep strong Shelley! 🙂

  43. jamijoy February 14, 2010 at 1:53 am #

    Wow! Your story is amazing and it takes a big step to realize the problem and making the steps in fixing it. I am new to the blogging world and I came across your blog. You are such a great role model! Keep up the awesome work girl!! I am looking forward in reading your future posts.

  44. kaitm February 15, 2010 at 9:59 am #

    Congratulations Shelley. I’ve been where you are and am still there to an extent, so Its always nice to hear other peoples stories to gain a little more strength. Good luck with the rest of your journey, I’ll be following along on your blog!

  45. Julia February 22, 2010 at 7:12 pm #

    I love your blog and admire your motivation so, SO much! You’re going the full way with recovery, unlike so many others who chose to work their way up to a “safe” place that leaves just enough room for ED. I have faith though that you will truley be able to live a completely ED free life though! Everything on here is so inspiring. I love the recent pic, btw. Please, keep blogging and staying strong! I don’t even know you, but am so happy for all of your achievements in this process! Best of luck!

  46. Heather February 23, 2010 at 3:21 pm #

    your story is incredible…as someone who’s struggled with disordered eating for a long time, i totally feel your pain. i’m thankful that you’ve been so honest about where you’ve been…you’re going to help so many women!

  47. dmcgirl37 April 28, 2010 at 10:04 pm #

    what an amazing recovery story, you look awesome girl! Keep it up! love the smile 🙂


  48. sydney May 9, 2010 at 1:02 pm #

    hey girl congrats on reaching your goal!
    in the very last picture of you i think i have that skirt!- did you get it from free people??

  49. Kaeleigh May 27, 2010 at 10:44 pm #

    I just stumbled across your blog somehow. I went through the exact same thing as you the summer before freshmen year and first semester. I am still in recovery and it’s been a looooooong sloooooooow road. It’s tough, but it’s good to get support from others. It’s awesome that you started this blog and are so honest on it! I started one after reading food blogs on here that helped me think about food a little bit more normally. I love to cook so the blog kind of serves two purposes, right? Dealing with ed sucks so bad, but I think it will make all of us going through it stronger!


  50. Michelle June 1, 2010 at 3:43 pm #

    I love how similar your writing is to mine. I can’t wait to keep reading your blog.

  51. Lauren June 1, 2010 at 8:15 pm #

    i would just like to say, YOU GO GIRL! you should be soooo proud of yourself. an ed is obviously not an easy thing to overcome, but YOU DID IT!!! you are truly an inspiration and i applaud your positive outlook on life and the fact that you are doing what is best for YOU. congratulations on your two month maintainance. you look incredible, but more importantly, you seem to be genuinely happy. 😀 keep it up; i know you will!

  52. rebecca lustig June 1, 2010 at 9:48 pm #

    you are a rock star ❤

  53. Alycia @ Fit n Fresh June 2, 2010 at 6:54 pm #

    I just found your blog and I really *LOVE* that you know the difference between “skinny” and “healthy.” I feel like there are so many girls out there that would never gain a pound even though they are dangerously underweight and I really respect and admire you for recognizing that it was something you had to do to be HEALTHY.

    I love your blog and I plan on coming back often (:

  54. jqlee June 3, 2010 at 11:15 am #

    love the updated page!! you look so happy and i know you seem like you are DOING a lot more too. i am genuinely happy for you shelley!

  55. Annie June 9, 2010 at 3:16 am #

    wow! Your story I so inspiring! I am almost at my goal weight and it is pretty scary being at this point. But you look so happy and gorgeous at your ideal weight. That gives me hope that it will be okay =)

  56. LB June 15, 2010 at 8:26 am #

    You are adorable and inspiring. Stay strong :o) Thanks for sharing your story.

  57. land animal June 28, 2010 at 10:22 am #

    Wow its great that you are doing better! And you are really lucky that you had your family for support! When I was around 100lbs no one really took any notice…. I didn’t have a doctor telling me to gain weight… And I really wish that I had cause this was almost 10 years ago and I would have loved to have been forced to deal with it all then and not ending up spending my freshmen year of college BPing… But I am doing really well now. I am at healthy weight and working on intuitive eating and haven’t purged in years. Intuitive eating is hard though. Focusing on eating healthy foods has been invaluable to me though. It has helped me so much. I spend exponentially less time thinking about food now and as someone recovering, I am sure you understand how valuable that is 🙂

  58. Amanda June 29, 2010 at 4:28 am #

    What an inspiring and courageous story! You now look amazing and healthy! You’ve come so far. Ensure you are proud of yourself every day. 😀

  59. N July 1, 2010 at 4:51 pm #

    Wow. You look AMAZING now. So beautiful really!

  60. Abi July 10, 2010 at 6:29 pm #

    Shelley, you look vibrant! Congratulations and much happiness and best wishes on your continuing journey in health 🙂

  61. erinsloves July 14, 2010 at 8:24 am #

    Ive loved reading your story girl! Ive dealt with similar issues (I wont bore you with the details, u can read my classics page) but you look so great and its amazing how great your doing!

  62. Iris July 21, 2010 at 8:23 am #

    You look wonderful! So brave of you to share your story and I’m sure it helps others in the same situation.

  63. pursuitofhealthfulness August 15, 2010 at 11:46 am #

    Blogging has really made me realize how many people go through struggles that I once thought I was alone in. Your recovery is truly inspiring. Keep it up!

  64. 14yearoldvegan August 29, 2010 at 8:25 am #

    I’ve had kinda the same situation. This year i started having a workout-obsessive issue. I ran about 4 miles a day, and then walked 3 or 4 more miles or i went on the elliptical for another hour. I was burning so much, and i wasn’t eating enough to nourish my body. I was only eating about 900 calories a day or less.. terrible. Now that i’ve became vegan (for 3 months now) i’ve maintained my weight and i EAT! I don’t obsess over going to the gym and running anymore. I love my body and i feel good inside it without having to feel always self-conscious! Good for you girl 🙂 Getting healthy and back on track is the way to go. Just remember, eat to nourish your body!

  65. Natalie February 17, 2011 at 11:35 pm #

    Thanks for sharing you story! It sounds just like my life! I’m trying really hard to want to gain weight, but it can be hard being around college students who are always trying to be fit. Reading your blog inspires me 🙂

  66. Allison's Delicious Life June 18, 2011 at 1:01 am #

    I’m so glad you’ve been able to get healthy and feel good about yourself! You are beautiful and I can’t wait to read more about you and follow your blog 🙂

  67. Allison June 18, 2011 at 1:02 am #

    I’m so glad you’ve been able to get healthy and feel good about yourself! You are beautiful and I can’t wait to read more about you and follow your blog 🙂

  68. Lee June 18, 2011 at 7:59 am #

    Your story is extremely touching and you should be proud that you have overcome such a thing! Are you from Wisconsin? I see that you are a Badger. Although I am a rival (a Gopher), I am a Wisconsinite at heart! WOOT!

  69. Gen June 22, 2011 at 3:24 pm #

    You look awesome!!! I’m dealing with something similar now!!! I’ll definitely be visiting your blog again! 😀

  70. allthingswholesome July 7, 2011 at 4:54 am #

    I’ve just found your blog, and seriously you are beautiful, i hope you realize that. 😀
    i’m so sorry you have had to deal with anorexia its such a horrible illness, but its so inspiring to see how well you are doing. I cant wait to read your blog, you seem like such a wonderful girl.

    Love Jess.

  71. Riley August 5, 2011 at 10:08 pm #

    Hey, I want to say I totally know how you’re feeling but I know that EDs aren’t the same for everyone. I basically went through the same cycle of being at a normal healthy weight, loosing weight and than gaining it all (and more) back. Right now, I’m currently trying to adjust to my emotions and feelings and trying to loose a little weight (with help and supervision from a registered dietitian and my doctor). I’m really happy that you’re on the long winding road of recovery and hope it continues to go well. Your story is really inspiring to me because I realize that there are people out there that go through the “same” thing I do. Alot of my EDU friends have no problem staying “recovered”. They don’t seem to have the same problem with binging and overeating and not exercising as I do. Most people gasp if I say that I was once hospitalized for anorexia. One person (who I thought was my friend, even told me “You’re kidding, right?” and then turned to her friend and whispered REALLY loudly “She’s not even skinny, in fact I’d say she’s over weight.” I spent that night in the pantry stuffing my face full over cookies and screaming at my parents that I was a “fat ass who only eats sweets and junk and fat and will always be fat!” Now I’m a little better but it still stings when people mention the little bit of my tummy that’s not flat or my thunder thighs. I’m really happy that you’re on the long winding road of recovery and hope it continues to go well. 😀

  72. weg1986 December 19, 2011 at 5:02 pm #

    Just stumbled aross your blog, and I loved hearing your story – thank you for sharing! While I’ve never struggled with an eating disorder, I lost 40 pounds and got too close to that fine line of being obsessed. I definitely was NOT thinking good thoughts about food and my body, but I’ve finally found my balance! Nice to hear your story!

  73. Valeria May 29, 2012 at 9:21 am #

    Hi, Shelley:

    You definitely look better with a little more weight, so congrats!!! I’m so glad you are feeling better now.

    Balance is so very hard to find. I’ve been struggling with my weight my entire life, some periods too fat and others too obsesed (never too thin) but I think I’m doing fine now.

    Your blog is very inspiring, thanks for sharing your experience, and I wish you the best.

    Regards from Chile,

  74. Laura September 27, 2012 at 10:07 pm #

    I have hardly read any of your blog, but just from the ‘about me’ page everything you said seems so similar to my own experiences. I am currently a sophomore in college and I am struggling to recover from disordered eating. Your most recent photos look gorgeous–thank you for sharing your story 🙂

  75. Running4Lisa October 26, 2012 at 4:17 am #

    Just wanted to say you are beautiful.

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