
15 Apr

Hello Pumpkins!

Hope everyone is having a great week!! I should win the least consistent blogger award– but that is ok! I love you all a lot & know you all understand that life is busyyy.

I have been fine. I had an econ exam which was alright but other than that life is just going by. My life has basically consisted of NO down time at all. It is ridiculous- between classes, humos, doctor appointments, sorority stuff, etc. I feel like I have no time to breathe in a day. Despite my complaining, I have to say that being busy is what I do best 🙂 I don’t think I could deal with having little-to-nothing to do.

Speaking of which, I want to talk about balance in this post. First though, i’ll show you some eats i’ve been enjoying. I haven’t taken a lot of food pictures, but here are a few:

Breakfasts have been yogurt messes almost every day. Hey, it’s early, I don’t want to think about what to eat in the morning! haha. I’m lOVING that siggis plain yogurt has been on sale at Whole Foods- it is so thick & delicious.

Lunches have been normal- I’ve had wraps (this isn’t all I eat by the way.. I usually have a salad with some raisins and cottage cheese too!)

That one had meatless salami/pepperoni & cheese & those are my BELOVED honey mustard pretzels (so ridiculously delicious!)

& whats that weird looking blob next to the pretzels? Ladies (& gents?) without further adieu, I present to you.

PUMPKIN PIE HUMMUS– omg this legit tasted identical to pumpkin pie filling! They had this in the fresh market along with peanut butter hummus, chocolate hummus, maple hummus & more- if this wasn’t 5 dollars I would have bought them all!!

Dinner one night was at Quizno’s- pick two: cobb salad & turkey flatbread thing

that’s all I’ve got for you- but anyways, back to “Balance”

Balance is such an important part of life and it is something we all consider each day.

We have to balance school work with fun. We balance how much exercise we do. We balance how much we eat & ideally, what we eat. We balance the time we spend with friends. We balance time spent with our boyfriends/girlfriends (if we have them). We balance studying. We balance how much make up we wear.

I could go on forever with this list. To be honest, balance is something I mentally struggle with. I often stress about things like how much time I should spend with my friends vs. Gardner, or how often I should go out on the weekend and how much I should study, or how long I should sleep for each night (what’s too much or too little?), or how often I should work out, or how much should I blog, or how much I should eat (am I overeating or under-eating?). You get the picture. Obviously, when you have an eating disorder, balance is thrown out the window, but as I have been recovering, I have noticed some of that balance is coming back.

Interestingly, I’ve found that when I worry the least, I tend to achieve the most balance. & Despite my worries about balancing all of the different aspects of my life, I like to think my life is pretty balanced nowadays. I eat a mostly healthy diet, I spend a good amount of time with my friends & boyfriend, I study and I go out, etc. I’m proud of this, but there is one thing i’m not so proud of.

I am absolutely, 100% horrible at keeping in touch. I haven’t kept in that great of touch with most any of my friends from home so I am slightly terrified for this summer. Rationally, I know that things will be fine and I will be welcomed by my friends, but I am worried that things will be awkward. I am so lucky because I genuinely am in lOVE with college & the friends i’ve made, but I also know that keeping in touch with old friends is important too and I will regret it if I don’t make more of an effort.

I guess i’m saying all of this because school is a month away from being over (oh my god, i teared up writing that) & i will be heading home for the summer. I am NOT ready for that, but things will be fine…. they always are.

Hope you have great ends to your weeks!!! My mom is coming this weekend for my sorority’s Mom’s Weekend & I am so pumped!

Sorry for my sporadicism (both with blogging & in this post)! ps, is sporadicism a word? haha!

oh, & let me humor you with some pictures when i was REAAAAAAALLLY sober (It’s opposite day…). this sums up last weekend.

can you find me? hahahhhahah.

I ADORE my friends

See why I don’t want to leave school?!?!?!


1) How do you deal with balance? Do you consider yourself balanced or do you tend to struggle with balance?

2) If you’re in college, do you keep in touch with your friends from home?

2) What songs are you loving lately? I wannnna knowww!!

Here’s what i’m loving. oh, & this is the only song I know how to play on guitar… I saw by Matt Nathanson

oh and shout out to my girl Meg… just because I love ya!



61 Responses to “Balance”

  1. Lauren @ BIOCHEMISTA April 15, 2010 at 12:40 am #

    Hi darlin 🙂

    Lovely post, as always. I am so so happy you are loving and enjoying life and finding balance among a crazy and hectic schedule. For me, I find the most peace when my schedule is filled…maybe less time to think about unimportant stuff???

    I have felt that way in the past (regarding seeing old friends). But what I’ve found is that you can go ages without seeing an old friend (if they’re a real friend) and when you’re reunited it’s like you were never a day apart.

    And if someone really had a problem with your busy college life–well then, they’re really not a ‘friend’ in my book 😉

    Have a good night ma dear!! xoxoxox


  2. julia April 15, 2010 at 1:40 am #

    Great pictures and YEAH for living your life and enjoying it, girl!
    Things WILL be fine with your friends, have faith…

    And I totally understand the balance thing and YES. isn’t it strange that we find the most balance when we aren’t working too hard for it? I’m pretty sure I used to eat pretty balanced before the ED and I never thought of it…Body and mind are smart…

    Have a great week girl!

    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  3. Kerry April 15, 2010 at 2:01 am #

    balance is deinfitely something i struggle with aswell! really badly!! but the thing is to not be too obssessed with getting it dead right! xx

  4. Rachel April 15, 2010 at 2:59 am #

    I just moved back home after 4 years of school, and really only kept in touch with a couple of my friends from before. I’m in the same boat, completely terrified that I’ll spend the summer friend-less, but on a positive note… What a good opportunity to make some new ones! Plus I’ve ran into people from old jobs and from high school who have “welcomed me back” with open arms, wanting to hang-out and catch-up. So as frightening as it is to leave the university “bubble” after so long, things will be OK!! 🙂

    That dessert hummus looks sooooo good!

  5. tatiannalives April 15, 2010 at 5:05 am #

    I struggle a lot with balance.. especially with balancing exercise and eating. It’s very hard for me to get out of the ‘exercise to lose weight’ mindset.. just as it is very hard for me to get out of the ‘eat to gain’ mindset. I want to use them both to allow my body to balance where it wants to.. but sometimes my thoughts get in the way.
    I think it’s one of those things where the less you try, the easier it comes. Like you said, you find balance comes to you when you least expect it – sometimes when we think about something too much, it backfires. Try to just relax, and everything will fall into place.
    You are such an amazing person, and going back to your old friends will be difficult, but they will no doubt welcome you back with open arms. You have been through so much, and you are truly beautiful.. people don’t just pass up friendships with people like you. I promise 🙂
    ❤ Tat

  6. cookeatburn April 15, 2010 at 5:10 am #

    Dessert hummus? I don’t even know if I should let myself try it – could end up being an expensive like ;).

    When I was in college, I was lucky enough to go to school with a couple of my closest high school friends, but other than those two it was really tough to keep in touch with people. I probably stayed in decent contact with 5 other people total? And by decent contact, I mean once a month phone calls or emails – really not much, but enough to know if any big changes had happened and to feel just caught up enough. And now that I’m out and away from my hometown and college town? So. much. harder!

    Anyway, I’m sure your friends back home will understand. After all, keeping in touch is a 2-way street! They’ve probably been busy too making new friendships :). Missed you yesterday!


  7. homecookedem April 15, 2010 at 5:38 am #

    Dessert hummus?! I’ve got to find that!!

    Great post on balance!! I think everyone could use a bit more balance in their lives, I know I could!!

  8. Lauren April 15, 2010 at 5:52 am #

    OMG I am so thrilled to hear that you can buy that hummus in the stores now. I had to order mine online but was only able to order like 20 tubs at a time. It’s so freaking good but it doesn’t have the longest shelf life so be careful. The Maple flavor is my favorite and I love to dip grapes in it! Oh I hope I can find it around here now!

    Have a wonderful week sweetheart!

  9. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine April 15, 2010 at 7:16 am #

    Dessert hummus? Good Lord, a combination of two of my favorite things. I’m glad I haven’t seen it yet, because I would have spent all my money on ALL of the flavors!!

    YAYY for LIVING LIFE!! You look like you’re having SO MUCH FUN in those pictures!! Honestly, don’t stress about your friendships from home- I only kept in touch with 2 friends my freshman year of college, but I think EVERYONE was more focused on their college friends than high school friends, so we were all understanding of the fact that we’d missed out on a lot!! You’ll have a great time catching up- the truest friends are the ones you can see after twenty years of not speaking and still be close!

    I’m pretty good at finding balance until one aspect of my life gets out of whack…then, I’m screwed! I stress wayy too much over school and friend drama, and that causes me to focus solely on one thing. It’s a work in progress 🙂

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend love!!

  10. givemebanana April 15, 2010 at 7:29 am #

    Love the pictures of you and your friends! So good to see that you’re having such a fun time :).
    Balance.. yeah well life will never be perfectly balanced. I try to juggle everything but sometimes I negelect my friends/work/free time but a day only has 24 hours and there’s only so much you can do. I kind of stopped beating myself up though.
    I just try to go with the flow and balance everything as good as possible.

  11. Lily @ Lily's Health Pad April 15, 2010 at 7:33 am #

    Balance is hard! I constantly struggle with balancing my life so that I have enough relaxation time. I have a mental checklist of things I need to accomplish, and I’m constantly striving to complete them. This leaves no time to breathe!

  12. theemptynutjar April 15, 2010 at 7:43 am #

    u r doing so well…and doing well with balance i think! i need to work on that myself.
    great eats shelley.

    songs? i like that new justin timberlake one with the rapper guy (I’m not good with names, ha 🙂

  13. gateauxbellehelene April 15, 2010 at 7:48 am #

    I too struggle with life balance. At the moment I have a greater balance towards work which isn’t. Due to many reasons I don’t have that many friends to see so I spend most of my time with my bf. But its an easy life I suppose…….
    I’m glad you are finding life better when you dont worry. I so need to be more like you, I worry way too much. Loving your eats too!

  14. Katey April 15, 2010 at 8:10 am #

    Ughhh, Balance is SO tough for me too! I stress and stress over what to do when, how much, etc. Its tough! I’m not in a real college YET, so I can’t answer that 🙂 But I did graduate early from HS, and I haven’t kept in touch with anyone except for my roommate next year (who lives next door)

  15. Kelsey April 15, 2010 at 8:17 am #

    LOL!!! love the chick with the middle finger haha

    Shelley, ur too cute 🙂

  16. blueeyedheart April 15, 2010 at 8:17 am #

    Balance? … What is that?! Ha. It’s hard to do that when I feel like I want to be able to do everything, all the time… prioritizing does not come easy to me. But they do say that busy people get more done, so we should be okay. 😉

    ❤ ❤

  17. Katharina April 15, 2010 at 8:34 am #

    Hellooooo gorgeous lady! I love honey mustard pretzels too! They’re so so soooo good. And that pumpkin pie hummus! I’ve never gotten it before, but I did read the ingredients on their site to try and recreate it. I have it somewhere on my blog if you want to check it out 😀 It totally tasted like pumpkin pie filling–loved it!

    1) I deal with balance by letting go. I can’t be on top of everything. What I can do is put my best foot forward and see what happens. When it comes to things like study vs. hang out time, I try to make sure that I don’t make a decision I’ll regret. Studying too much can be awful lol. But also hanging out too much can lead to cramming.. which is something I can’t do hahaha I just pass out after a certain time. But whatever ends up happening, I gotta roll with it and make the best of it 🙂

    2) I try to keep in touch with my friends. And I don’t think you have to worry about it too much. Your friends back home are probably busy with their college lives as well 🙂

    3) I am loving all the songs I’d listen to in Florida lol.. call me Mr. Flinstone ’cause I can make your bed rock. mwahaha. I’ve also been loving a song by Cold Cave called Life Magazine.

    XOXO to the moon and back!

    p.s. YOU MADE ME BLUSH!! Your comment on my last post was so sweet 🙂 I should read it everyday when I wake up lol.

  18. Morgan April 15, 2010 at 8:47 am #

    I miss college so much now! I miss partying like a rock star! I wasn’t so great at keeping in touch with a lot of people, but I also felt it was important to only keep in touch with those people that really mattered-the “for life” friends. Those are the ones I’m still in touch with. When I was in college, we were all on Instant Messenger, Facebook wasn’t even invented yet, so we relied on that. We also sent each other fun care packages a lot.
    Oddly, I can’t stop listening to “Crazy” by K-Ci and Jojo. I don’t know why.

  19. Erika (Dr. TriRunner) April 15, 2010 at 9:05 am #

    Novel comment ahead!!

    1 // Balance // I did this Q&A with one of my sponsors at one point, and one of the questions was “How do you achieve a workout/life balance?” My answer.. well you can see it here (( )) but basically, I DON’T. And finally I just had to be OK with that! I look at it like a dice. (die?) There are lot’s of “sides” to that singular-dice: school, work, my faith, family, boyfriend, friends, the two teams i’m on, volunteering… ahhh! It’s overwhelming! I have to just let the dice roll though – sometimes you roll a six, or a “school” 3 times in a row, and I have to just be OK with it. But natural law says it will all balance out! Hang in there chicky.

    2 // Friends // Right now I’m at school in Minneapolis where I grew up, but I have lots of friends who went to school somewhere else. And last year I was in Boston and it *was* hard to keep up with home friends! Basically though, once you’re all home, EVERYONE is coming back from some different new “home”. There is so much catching up to do. I have a feeling you’ll fall back into normal pretty quickly. 😉

    3 // Songs // Not gonna lie – that song “I wanna be a Billionaire” by Travie McCoy & Bruno Mars has been stuck in my head for days. “I wanna be on the cover of, Forbes magaziiiiine. Smilin’ next to Oprah and the Queen” 😀

    And finally (promise!) I just want to say that despite everything that has been going on for you this year, I am super proud of you. SUPER proud. Freshman year is hard for anyone, so throw in beating down your eating disorder and you’ve definitely had a heavy work load. Looking at your pictures in this post, it looks like you are *truly* having fun – you have a glow … despite what that may be induced by 😉 … and it shows through. Keep it up Shell.

    ❤ always, Erika

  20. kbwood April 15, 2010 at 9:18 am #

    Hey S baby!
    do NOT apologize about not posting-shoot you gota take care of school and your LIFE first!! I am so glad you are doing well tho. honestly, balance is HARD. it took me SO long to find balance! between school, friends, exercise, eating, etc. It is SO worth it though. Sometimes it is found through trial and error. We are so not perfect, and mess up a LOT..but eventually you do find that balance! Just keep your priorities in line! LOVE YOU GIRL! you are beautiful!

  21. MelissaNibbles April 15, 2010 at 9:44 am #

    Great post. I’m bad with keeping in touch too. Especially when I’m busy. I tend to focus on what I have to do in my life and tune everything and everyone else out. I’m lucky that I have understanding friends! As long as you know it’s something you have to work at and continue to work at it, I’m sure you’ll be fine. You look amazing in your pics by the way!

  22. paigemadaline09 April 15, 2010 at 9:45 am #

    Balance is so important! You look like you’re having so much fun, and that’s exactly what life should be about! 🙂

  23. Danielle (Coffee Run) April 15, 2010 at 9:53 am #

    haha I love the pics of you + your friends (looks like good times)

    As far as work & play goes, I’d say I still struggle with balance 😕 Too much work…not enough play…

    I used to keep in touch a lot with my friends from home but we keep growing more distant over time. It’s hard because we all get so busy but I’d def. like to change that!

  24. jenna April 15, 2010 at 10:12 am #

    what a great post shelley!
    balance is so important and i am glad you are finally being balanced 🙂
    sounds like a fun weekend ahead of you with your mom!
    Jenna xoxo

  25. Sarah April 15, 2010 at 10:20 am #

    i am out of college but i didn’t go to college with any of my best friends from home so i def have felt how you feel. i made amazing friends at school so there were times when i got so caught up in being at school that you forget about what is at home. your true friends will be there for you at home when you come back so i wouldn’t worry! i kept in tought through aim (does anyone use this anymore…haha i don’t…im old:)) and facebook since i really don’t like talking on the phone. everything will work out and enjoy your last month of school!!

  26. Amanda @ . seek . April 15, 2010 at 10:47 am #

    I can definitely see why you don’t want to leave school; it looks like you’re having an awesome time 🙂 I’m lucky because the university I wanted to go to was right in my hometown, so I didn’t have to leave my friends behind when I started school; I imagine it would be pretty hard, though, especially because I suck at keeping in touch with people…

    I think it takes a while to learn how to properly balance things, and I find that the more I worry and try to control how balanced my life is, the more unbalanced it becomes; when I go with the flow, I find I’m the most happy 🙂

  27. *Andrea* April 15, 2010 at 10:51 am #

    great post! you look happy in all the pics. mission accomplished 🙂

    great meals too! balance is SO hard. it is definitely important to keep some relaxation/me-time in the midst of your busy-ness 🙂

  28. Sara K April 15, 2010 at 11:06 am #

    You are the cutest! And I feel the same way about school…I finish in less than three weeks and I am so not ready to go home and be…bored…especially since I have a million times more friends up here in college and most of the ones at home don’t even get out for summer until a month after I do. With my best friend from home, we usually talk on the phone or skype once a week, but college life gets hectic.
    Loved this post about balance- it’s so true that when I sit back and relax things just balance out on their own. I’m tired, I’ll sleep; I’m hungry, I’ll eat; it’s the weekend…I’ll party 😉 if I feel like it of course (which always happens.)

  29. adrienmelaine April 15, 2010 at 11:57 am #

    I’m so proud of you- I was just thinking of you this morning and how I haven’t read your blog in ages- I must keep missing it in my google reader- needless to say I’m catching up!

    I’m like you- balanced when I’m not stressing about the small things and am relaxed in my life- it’s rare, but it’s so nice when it happens!

  30. malpaz April 15, 2010 at 12:00 pm #

    balance is something i need to work on as well…especially with my friends. when i moved from MD i never thought i would lose connection with all the girls i cheered with in college, but i have. i rarely ever talk to them,. i know they will alwyas be “my girls” but i should be calling them etc etc. same with work vs play. i work A LOT, i play little…need more fun.

  31. runnerforever April 15, 2010 at 12:50 pm #

    It is so hard to find a good balance in college and not stress like crazy, I hear ya!

  32. Naomi (onefitfoodie) April 15, 2010 at 1:09 pm #

    when i was in college i ALWAYS kept in touch with my friends from HS…to this day they are my closest, dearest friends and I love them!! I acutally dont really stay in contact with many of my college friends which is ok, because I had a rough last semester with them (stupid girl drama!)

    love the pics you look so happy!

    how good is siggis!!!! i wish it was on sale everyday!!


  33. lowandbhold April 15, 2010 at 2:12 pm #

    I’m really horrible at keeping in touch too.

    You have SUCH a pretty smile girl!

  34. highonhealthy April 15, 2010 at 2:22 pm #

    Heey there!

    I definitely struggle with balance whether it’s food (overeating/undereating), exercise (too much cardio and no strength/vice versa), or whatever else in my daily life. It’s something I’m working on and I’m slowly finding a balance with exercise but food is still a struggle. I’ll get there eventually; one thing at a time. 🙂

    I’m actually really bad at keeping in touch with friends.. but I think that the main reason for that is I haven’t made any friends that I truly WANT to stay in touch with. There’s about 3 people that I actually want to keep talking to.

    One of my favorite songs of the moment is “Like a G6” by Far East Movement. Haha.. I love it.

  35. Nutritious Foodie April 15, 2010 at 2:50 pm #

    My dear life happens not in our blogs but out there where all of our loved ones are… you should never have to apologize for not posting. It is always great to see your smily face and hearing that you are doing well 🙂

  36. cardiopizza April 15, 2010 at 2:56 pm #

    I remember thinking the same thoughts about friends from home when I was in college. We didn’t keep in touch too too much through out the year, but when summer time came, it was like we were never a part! I bet the same will happen with you, especially if they are good friends of yours 🙂

  37. Melissa S. April 15, 2010 at 3:00 pm #

    I think balance is something that most people deal with, but just with different kinds of mindsets. you sound like you’re working well with finding yours and still having a blast! that’s something to be proud of!

    and i only keep in contact w/ a few friends from school: facebook is a godsend.

  38. Simply Life April 15, 2010 at 4:21 pm #

    What a creative new hummus flavor!

  39. determinedtoshine April 15, 2010 at 5:25 pm #

    shelley! my love you are so gorgeous, those photos made me smile so much 😀 glad to see you are having so much fun and finding the balance in life that works for you!
    i know balance is one of the BIGGEST problems with regards to my anorexia – it seems as soon as i have to juggle more than one thing in my life, my health and recovery go MIA – hence my recent relapse when i started varsity. so this is something i am really working on. but you prove that it IS possible!
    love you girlie
    ❤ han

  40. Jennifer April 15, 2010 at 7:18 pm #

    Shelley I am so glad to see that you are having such a blast at college! I love this post about balance because it is so important to have in life. As far as your friends go, I’ve lost touch with many of them, but my absolute true friends; I can not talk to them for a year straight and we pick right back up like no time was lost. So everything will work out I’m sure 😀

  41. healthyGLAM April 15, 2010 at 9:23 pm #

    Hi love!! Your eats look so delicious! I am totally bad at keeping in touch with old friends too. I have a lot more solid friendships in college than I do from high school, mainly because you don’t get see them very often. But don’t worry, I’m sure many of your old friends feel the same way you do!

    Cute pics!! Haha looks like a fun night! 🙂

  42. Gracie @ Girl Meets Health April 15, 2010 at 9:29 pm #

    When I was in college, I was horrible at keeping in touch with my friends from home. And now that I’m home…well, I have the opposite problem! So clearly I could use some more balance in that department, haha.

    Overall, I’d say that balance and I make a good team. There are definitely times where I get ahead of myself and try to take on TOO much (or engage in “all or nothing” thinking) but I generally catch myself before it gets to be too much to handle. Not to mention that my family and friends are always there to help me get back into my groove =)

  43. Cassandra April 16, 2010 at 8:35 am #

    I love your pictures 😉 fun! …. I like the end of the drake song “forever” with eminem spitting his flow… lmao…

    I am a see saw lately with balance, but it’s okay, I think everything will start to mellow out soon and fall into place, and in which case I will get back on track 🙂

    Have a good weekend! ❤

  44. Salah April 16, 2010 at 10:09 am #

    Hey girlie!

    1. LOVE Matt Nathanson 🙂

    2. I definitely struggle with balance. I really overcommit myself all the time, but honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. Why? Because when I over commit I’m doing it for other people most of the time or doing something to reach my goals, and just knowing that I’m doing stuff for others, or accomplishing my goals is a reward in itself. I have my days where I catch up on sleep 🙂

    3. I think I answered out of order but oh well. I really only keep in touch with my BEST friends from back home (meaning my 3 girls) and then sometimes random messages to some of my boys but when I left TX and moved to CA, and playing college vb really left me with no time (and being 2 hours behind really hindered it) but through that I knew who my true friends are.

  45. Meg April 16, 2010 at 10:18 am #

    Balance is definitely hard to “balance”, there are so many things in life that you have to balance, that sometimes its just not humanly possible to be perfect in every aspect. I think what is most important is that you are happy. It seems that you definitely have the “happy” balance going on, and it’s so happy to see that you’re SO happy and having so much fun at school 🙂

    Want to listen to some good ole’ Eastern Canadian folk rock?


    xo Meg

  46. Katherine: What About Summer? April 16, 2010 at 11:27 am #

    I totally know someone in your ‘friends-2’ pic. In the weirdest way. ((but my blog is on the DL so I don’t know if I can climb my latter of connections to explain to her why I would know you)) haha I recognize that pic of her with the bird up from facebook

  47. nattietan April 16, 2010 at 1:19 pm #

    I’m so glad you’re having fun!! And it’s ok that you’re blogging less, we all love you anyway! x)))

    I’m terrible with keeping in touch with friends so I usually count on them contacting me. Terrible I know, but I do try. Maybe not hard enough though. =x

    Much love,
    Nat xoxo

    P.S. Am super jealous over the pumpkin hummus so you’d better enjoy more of it on my behalf!

  48. sophia April 16, 2010 at 10:38 pm #

    ok I have to admit…I’m not the best at balance, either. I either sleep too little or sleep too much. Sleep too early or sleep too late. Eat too much at a seating, then go hours without eating. Sigh. But you’re right….the less we worry abt balance, the more balanced we become…funny, huh?

  49. aletheiazoe April 17, 2010 at 12:42 am #

    I laugh every time I read your expression “this tasted legit like…!” – I never hear that here! It must be an American thing, or something. Either way, it puts a smile on my face and makes me say “hahaha”. 😀

    Your sporadicism in blog-posting AND in this post is only an indication to me that you are busy living.

    How can that be a bad thing?

    1) “Balance” is yet to be achieved by me. I don’t even know what balance is. I only know what feels right.

    2) I don’t! Working on that. Srssly.

    3) Headphones on and currently plugged into “For the widows in Paradise” by Sufjan Stevens. Love. Like this <3.

    Warm wishes ,

    🙂 aletheia

  50. Jess April 17, 2010 at 9:19 pm #

    Babe, I have been very inconsistent, but you know what, that is a sign that we are LIVING and LOVING life. Which is a FANTASTIC thing 🙂
    ❤ jess

  51. Emily April 17, 2010 at 9:31 pm #

    recovery is the ultimate rebalancing act. I am becoming more and more balanced than I was before ED hit me..and I love it! I’m so glad you are finding your balance.

    I love those last few pictures ahahhaa

    have a great weekend!

  52. Kelly April 18, 2010 at 11:50 am #

    I think that I am balanced in some parts of my life and unbalanced in others. But I guess knowing that and working on it is a step in the right direction. But honestly, I don’t think there is anyone in this world who has a 100% completely balanced life. Do you? It is like the term “high maintenance”…I think everyone is high maintenance in some aspect of their life. It might be in their appearance, their exercise, their food, their habits…etc…but it is always there. Sorry for the ramble….haha! 🙂

  53. onehealthyapple April 18, 2010 at 11:23 pm #

    Love the pictures of you having fun- that’s great! ENJOY it because the ‘real’ world is not as fun!

    Balance is something I struggle with in everything- work, home, family, husband, school, food, but I think it all takes a little bit of work to figure it out!

    Have a great week girl!

  54. solskinn88 April 19, 2010 at 1:03 pm #

    That is one of my favourite things about recovery : it feels like my life is getting increasingly more balanced.
    As I eat more my brain keep functioning better, and I can take interest in other aspects of life than just eating. I can participate in debates with my father regarding politics. I can do more than just visiting doctors. The list goes on.
    Despite this I have always been afraid of not managing this balance act between fun and reality. Between friends, school, family, my self. Often it seems like there is just too much, and one must ask oneself what is most important.

    I hope your friends back home will welcome you with open arms. Actually, I am sure they will because you are such a positive and great person.

    My favourite song at the moment : Nickelback- If Today Was Your Last Day- soundtrack of my life at the moment!

  55. thehealthyjunky April 20, 2010 at 8:00 am #

    Pumpkin Hummus sounds amazing! Just came across your blog and love your energy! I will definitely be reading more!

  56. The Candid RD April 20, 2010 at 3:17 pm #

    Oh BOY do I understand where you are coming from! I have a suggestion for you, PLEASE read the book “Slowing Down to the Speed of Life”. I tell this to a lot of people who remind me of myself (that’s you!). It has changed my life, for the better. Like you said, the less you think about balance, the more balanced you are! That’s the concept of the book, really. check it out 🙂

  57. littlemisspotato April 21, 2010 at 1:49 am #

    Sobbie fun is the best! 😉 You’re looking cute!
    1) Sometimes I feel like an all or nothing girl. I give everything I have or I give up!

    2) Skype, frequent phone calls, Facebooks, and texts

    2) Uno- I ❤ Matt Nathanson. But I've been listening to a ton of Damien Rice and Ray Lamontagne (sure I got his last name wrong… oh well!)


  58. Jocelyn @ Peace.Love.Nutrition April 21, 2010 at 5:47 pm #

    Hey Pretty Lady! I’m like you- I’m so bad at keeping in touch with people. I’ve been out of college for almost 2 years and I really only talk to 2 of my friends for there. It’s hard- esp when you don’t live in the same state. But thanks to facebook i’ve been able to keep in touch a little bit.



  59. julie April 21, 2010 at 9:15 pm #

    can we talk about how much i want that dessert hummus! 5 bucks a pop is totes worth it 😉

  60. seaninsixtyseconds April 23, 2010 at 2:14 pm #

    Runaway by “Love and Theft” is really doing it for me these days!

  61. Michelle (Snacks and Field) April 28, 2010 at 3:17 pm #

    hello girlieeeee:)
    thank you so much for the comment on my blog the other day! i miss you tremendous amounts- but i have given up blogging for the school year because i am so super busy and cant fit it all in, so i hope to start back up this summer- my classes end in 2 weeks (crazy how fast it has gone by!) i see that you have taken many breaks as welll, but its a good thing!! it means you are spending time with the people around you and clearlyyyy having an amazing time by the look of your pictures! ;)… & so you are right- it’s all about the balance!!
    anyway, when you go home im sure your relationships with your friends will be fineee- everyone is enjoying their first year of college as well and they all understand 🙂

    ps pumpkin pie hummus!??!?!!… that sounds amazing. the chocolate flavor confuses me- i don’t know if i like chickpeas in my chocolate, BUT i can’t knock it ’til i try it!

    have an amazing end of the year girl! 🙂

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